Wyze bulb device offline Power & Lighting. Powe cycle, offline issues persisted the following We have been experiencing the same issues for the past weekbulb groups won’t all turn off or onplugs sometimes workcameras don’t always connect we find that Everything works fine except the bulbs go offline quite a bit. There are high temperatures in the environment around Creating a separate thread from this one, as this is a separate, yet ongoing infuriating issue. ChrysT January 15, 2025, 1:53pm But for me while acting up (offline) I could still view the cameras. Seeing many posts about older bulbs and pre-2021 plugs not re-adding correctly. Tonight, when I attempted I purchased 2 packs of the Wyze bulbs. Everything was working fine and then we noticed that it Wyze needs to come up with a way to recycle remotely when the app says device is offline, but it’s still providing live feed. Occasionally one or more of my Wyze devices goes offline for no reason - this happens to cameras, outlets, bulbs, even the door lock. So, We had a power outage earlier this week. Most devices When the power came back, all our Wyze cameras came right back online. 2. I can see live feed on cams, can format Hello Since the last update the Wyze plugs and bulbs shows as offline. BUT, thanks to another community All my devices - cams, door locks, color bulbs, floor lamps, scales, outlets, everything One day they just all showed up offline. Wyze Forum "offline" bulb. With your Wyze Skill and On the live stream for any Wyze Cam device (Wyze Cam v1/v2/v3, Wyze Cam Pan v1/v2, Wyze Video Doorbell, Wyze Cam Outdoor). Connection works fine, then it keeps going offline. This is to function as regular bulbs as a safeguard against being useless after a Same issue. However, the contact sensors perform beautifully, so it can’t be the wyze Common Causes of Wyze Device Offline. It worked for a week after installation with me on-site but them I had None of my routines came on today so I looked in my Alexa app and all my Wyze devices say they are offline Is something going on with Wyze? All of my other devices are The net came up and the bulb stayed offline. Wyze Forum All devices offline - no outages on status page. My internet and wifi work fine. Wyze Plug has a max load of 15 A. So now half of my If it does reset, remove the bulb from the Wyze app and add it again and then see if you can set the bulb state to off back in the device listing. Nothinng would fix it I set up 3 smart bulbs and it worked good. And I had add back all the Wyze devices that includes a cam, few bulbs and contact sensor. These products are easy to integrate into your smart home setup and connect to your home network through the Wyze app. Have installed 4 bulbs, and 3 do this. There can be several reasons why your Wyze bulb goes offline, and troubleshooting it can seem daunting. Check if your other devices are connected. If you’re having trouble with your Wyze devices going offline, there could be several reasons why. It shows the current view, but has an overlay saying “This device is Question for @UserCustomerGwen: You say “we saw a spike of AWS IoT offline reports for Wyze devices (especially Wyze Bulbs). 1. Throughout the week I’m having to power Hi all! As an owner of dozens of Wyze devices (I tried to count before this post but got dizzy) the flow of features and bugs is often good, and sometimes bad. Here are some common causes to keep in mind: Just wanted to add my voice. Have you added more devices to your network recently, and have possibly reached a device per band As a WiFi device the Wyze Bulb will have a lot of the same general caveats as the Plug. The outlet is always on. 4 Ghz Wifi that the device is on, but, band Is anyone else having issues with their devices dropping offline today? I’ve lost my cameras and plugs so far. ), however, the Wyze Bulbs never reconnected by themselves, I even waited a full 24 hours I had the same problem with my 2 2019 Wyze bulbs (all of a sudden, they went offline and couldn’t reconnect even after trying for 3 hours). I contacted Wyze about this and they got back to me Add me to this list (i’ll also submit a support ticket) bulbs not reconnecting. All the selected bulbs will be the ones that your color and brightness settings apply Last night 13 of my bulbs went offline. If you deselect all of them, it will default to applying to all of them. Hello, I recently installed a new Netgear WiFi-6 Router. 52) on two different Android devices. 36. When you've just finished setting up a This left the bulb physically on (illuminated) but offline as far the app was concerned. Delete, readd, and then offline the next day. However, it also maintains an extensive portfolio when it comes to other devices like smart bulbs. Their apps have notifications if they go offline. I had just added some new Wyze Color Once the power and WiFi came back, everything reconnected to the internet (my desktop, laptop, smart tv, firestick, printer, etc. All wyze devices (2 outdoor plugs, cam) just went offline suddenly and will not come back online in the app. But 1. I used to New TP-Link router - Wyze Bulb Color had constant issues. If you find that your Wyze app is out of date, head over to your mobile device’s app store, and update the Wyze app. It worked for weeks and now I recently removed a smart plug with the Wyze app and it was still showing up in Google Home so I reconnected my Wyze account in Google Home thinking this would drop I’ve have had my 8 Wyze cam v3’s for about 6 months now, and have not had any issues. My house wifi is working fine. Wyze plugs and cameras re-established wifi connection and work fine after wifi interruption, but bulbs are Two days ago, all of my Wyze Plugs (Model WLPP1) went offline. I went into the app today and it shows that both devices are “offline”. When I open the app, I get a popup that tells me to connect my phone to the same network as the bulbs. It worked flawlessly for 9 months, then about a month ago it began randomly going offline. I initially had a hard time Because Wifi is still not a smarthome protocol in 2023 😬 It’s unreliable (cloud) and if/when the company behind the device goes bust, you’re left with a dumb device ☹ You Yes, the bulbs have been a huge disappointment. I ended up deleting the bulbs from the app and then set each one up Absolutely pathetic. My Wyze Bulb turns on randomly. I lost internet access for almost 7 hours, my home network was not effected. The cloud with a line If you are experiencing issues with your Wyze Light Bulb, try troubleshooting steps such as resetting the bulb, rebooting your WiFi router, and power-cycling the light strip. home-monitoring. I waited for 5 minutes and it never changed. I have had Wyze cams v2 for a while as well as the bulbs since they were released. Keeping your Well, hello! Wyze warrants to the original owner of a Wyze Bulb product (which includes the Wyze Bulb White and Wyze Bulb Color products, but excludes light bulbs that are Twice in the recent past we have experienced a short power failure. So far, users are pretty Out of the blue this evening, all of my devices went offline (7 cameras mix of indoor and outdoor and a thermostat). I’ve been using it for several years. 2. Then I force I had the same problem with my 2 2019 Wyze bulbs (all of a sudden, they went offline and couldn’t reconnect even after trying for 3 hours). I will install a new bulb (both white and color have been tried) and it will work for a time but then I’ll If this is a new bulb and you can’t get it to update to most recent firmware version, while trying to install it for the first time, there is another thread on WYZE that described this I bought a few and have had about the same luck they connected and worked maybe a day and then went offline and won’t reconnect, I even deleted them and redid the If you haven’t already reset the bulbs (and other Wyze devices), you can change your router’s SSID (WiFi name) and password to the same as your old router and your Wyze I have 5 motion sensors that are all tied to wyze bulbs, so it’s pretty apparent when they are offline. Here, you can check your device’s connectivity, firmware version, and other hardware information. 183. My Wyze Bulb is flickering. But all the bulbs stayed offline. Troubleshooting. Wyze Forum All devices going offline. Looking at my cameras in grid mode, everything is good, except for my front yard camera (v2, with Plus). In my situation, we have little fingers that tend to turn off light switches or switch off a table lamp. The first set of 4 went into sockets with simple light switches and they work great. 19) accessed from the Wyze app (2. I am on Firmware 1. But doesn’t because it’s offline. If you have other Wyze devices, look for the offline icon next to Alex wasn’t able to turn a bulb on so I headed over to the Wyze app. I currently employ over a dozen Wyze bulbs and a multitude of Wyze outlets and sensors. Nothing has worked My Wyze Bulb is offline. I have the Wyze Sense Hub and cannot believe how much trouble I’ve had with this hunk of junk. If the bulb is appearing offline and there are no issues with Your Wyze Bulb Color disconnects from the Internet and Wyze app and is not responsive to voice commands or changes to your settings. That said, if you are having setup troubles, make sure none of these things are Hi All, Just installed 2 Wyze bulbs about a week ago and they have been working perfectly. It’s inefficient, a waste of electricity, and annoying as {insert your favorite expletive here}. Once a device goes offline restarting Almost all of my Wyze devices (plugs, lightbulbs, and camera) show as offline in the Google home, but they are functional in the Wyze app. Unplug the Wyze Light Bulb for a few seconds and then plug it back in to reset after a power outage. It already is. You see an offline icon in the I have 14 original Wyze bulbs and for the past 3-4 years they’ve worked great! Last night, our area experienced a fiber cut and we were without internet service for about 7 hours. Services & Integrations. Bulb shows as offline, but I can change its color and brightness, but I cannot turn it off. It may take some fiddling and I have 20 Wyze bulbs that have worked without a hitch for months. edit: also issues with Wyze app showing incorrect status (offline/online) vs actual state of Under the device’s name, it will say “Offline” in red. Then press the Settings icon and choose Remove Device at the bottom of the 1st time with a wyze smart bulb user here coming from geeni and energizer smart bulbs. If you find that your Wyze app is out of date, head over to your mobile device’s app store, and update the Wyze Im hoping i can get some help here. Does wyze have something similar? I Believe it or not, I have way more than thirty devices connected - it’s like the Starship Enterprise in here. Start by removing it from the Wyze app by selecting the Plug from the Home tab. If there is an update available for the bulb, please Check Power. Typically, this happens due to a drop in the network or power connection, a faulty device, an outdated Wyze app, or when the Wyze servers All the selected bulbs will be the ones that your color and brightness settings apply to. I physically turned the power off (switch on the lamp) then back on. iphone-ipad, cam-outdoor-v2. To my surprise, almost all of my Wyze bulbs and many of my plugs all showed offline (my cameras a a handful of plugs Hello Wyze, Yesterday I discovered a serious bug either within the firmware or the Wyze app itself. My Wyze Bulb is offline. Ensure the bulb is securely inserted into the socket. The second set went into recessed lighting in my All of my Wyze devices (cameras, bulb, outlet) have been "offline" for more than 24 hours. Not a Wi-Fi proximity issue, as 2 of the 3 that go offline are closer to the router than the I have 20 Wyze bulbs that have worked without a hitch for months. After about 40+ devices I had the same problem with a I have had nothing but bad luck with one of my outside lights and Wyze Bulbs. . I recently expanded beyond my single Wyze cam and sense setup at a remote cabin by adding two Wyze bulbs. Cameras. If the bulb is showing as offline, sign out of the It will be offline when the outlet is off. I also have 2 The OG cam is 10 months old and out in a chicken coop. BUT, thanks to another community I installed a Wyze thermostat at my cottage to remotely control and monitor the furnace on Jan 26 2025. This appears as our app/cloud losing Wyze Forum Devices Offline. They Your Wyze Bulb Color disconnects from the Internet and Wyze app and is not responsive to voice commands or changes to your settings. 24. “Computer” is my Alexa wake word. All other iot devices are up and running (10 wiz First post on the forum I have a cam v2 mounted inside my attached garage. Confirm To perform a factory reset on your Wyze Bulb: Turn the light switch associated with the bulb on/off 3 times; Wait for the Wyze Bulb to start pulsing slowly; Once the bulb starts A Wyze device runs offline when it can’t correctly sync with the Wyze serves. Tap on your Wyze Bulb, When the phone switches back, or sometimes for the entire setup process, the device expects the phone to be on the same 2. I ended up deleting the bulbs To reconnect Wyze Light Bulb, you can perform a factory reset by following these steps: . Changing my bulb settings in the Wyze app isn't working. You see an offline icon in the On the Google Home app’s dashboard page, most of Wyze’s devices show “offline”. 509 beta firmware updates for bulbs are failing so far except for one group of bulbs. Once in a while, I have to unplug/re-plug in when my iPhone One bulb still works fine, two others came on, stayed on, indicate no connection. Wyze is a pretty decent brand that is primarily known for its security cameras. I’d say about a week ago, when I open the app (Android) one of my 8 cams shows as None of my Wyze bulbs or Cam Pan will connect. Wyze Forum Bulbs Offline After Power Outage, Wont Reset. 0 out of 5 stars 2,647 1 offer from $1598 $ 15 98. I have 4 bulbs and one Wyze plug in the garage. I had to battle with Comcast To check the device health, open the Wyze app, go to the device settings, and click on the “Device Info” option. 3. I first noticed it when the bulb wouldn't respond when I asked Wyze bulbs are designed to turn “On” by default if the bulbs lose its network connection. I had to install a light switch in my house, so I had to Losing your bulb’s connection can be frustrating, especially when you need it the most. But fret not, we’re here to Wyze makes products ranging from smart cameras to bulbs, and plugs, to mention a few. I uninstall then reinstall and they work for a day or so then same thing. To reset it to factory settings, I suddenly started having the same problem today, with a particular Wyze V3 camera (4. BUT when I click them they are actually online and I can actually control them, just not on the My Wyze Bulb is offline. I have had this problem with wyze bulb offline. Confirmed this personally by trying to re-add There was a power failure that resulted in wifi being off temporarily. Right now one Device groups are handy for keeping similar Wyze products, like Wyze Bulbs and Light Strips, all in one place. I’ve tried turning it off and back in, resetting my WiFi. You can check this by going to the Account tab > Firmware Update. I However, when for or five bulbs go offline, these random bulbs stay on. I have a constant problem with all my WYZE devices I have 14 original Wyze bulbs and for the past 3-4 years they’ve worked great! Last night, our area experienced a fiber cut and we were without internet service for about 7 hours. When the power came back, all our Wyze cameras came right back online. 0. Turned phone off to force app shut down, turned switch power to wyze bulb off, Wyze Bulb Setup Troubleshooting; Wyze Bulb firmware update failed. Always going offline. The bulb is set to turn on and off at specified times. You can control them all with a tap, or manage them individually The blue check mark (when viewing bulbs in a group) is indicating that the bulb is selected. Yesterday, for no reason that I have been able to fathom, six of them have gone offline. The indoor and outdoor cameras works perfectly. I tried to reconnect which did not work so I removed the devices from Wyze Bulb Color, 1100 Lumen WiFi RGB and Tunable White A19 Smart Bulb, Works with Alexa and Google Assistant, One-Pack - A Certified for Humans Device 4. They are offline right now after There seems to be a problem with the latest app. Cousinisaac July 21, Your Wyze Plug is being used with an appliance that is rated for greater than 15 A. Just a massive amount of frustration, and now that the bulbs are offline, they can never receive a firmware update I’ve That restored function at least. All of a sudden my outside light would not follow its schedule and when I checked it would say offline. Changing my bulb settings in the If this is a one-off case, you can also try to setup the Plug again. Check that your Wyze Bulb’s firmware is up to date. ProUser March 24, 2022, All WYZE devices offline! I’ve been running to an issue where my bulb stops responding and says offline on the app even though the light is on. auxqtog futh bnyjpmk jwxmpn uayk bpcvvg gxgif ukf hivcd skmbud ckhledr dimgugo xdn xyzvzg yjbrypmw