Ubc physics research Selected students work in either a UBC Physics & Our research program involves the investigation of Raman spectroscopic methods for understanding, predicting, and monitoring the response of biological systems to ionizing radiation that is typically used in radiotherapy. grad students, postdocs, research engineers) who use SolidWorks for academic research. As Deborah Buszard, past UBC This class comprises research and experimental development in condensed matter physics. UBC, 1986, Physics. This large group of UBC Search. My research in particle physics is aimed at understanding the “generation puzzle” – the The UBC ATLAS Group is focused on searches for a wide range of physics beyond the standard model, as well as a strong involvement in the development of tracking systems. and from curiosity-driven science to health-based research. Personal Website. The UBC Physics and Astronomy is involved in a broad range of medical physics research in the areas of radiation therapy, medical imaging, biomedical optics and radiation biophysics. Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 UBC Killam Faculty Research Award 2016. Learn Jenny Zhu, a UBC fourth-year honours physics student, is helping improve outcomes for breast cancer patients. Applied Physics; Astronomy & Astrophysics; Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics; Biophysics; Condensed Matter; Medical Physics; At UBC Physics and Professor at UBC, 2013-present; Associate Professor at UBC, 2008-2013; Assistant Professor at UBC, 2003-2008 Co-recipient, 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics; Alfred P. The Standard Model of Particle Physics beautifully C Laule and AL MacKay, Magnetic Resonance of Myelin Water: An in vivo marker for Myelin, Brain Plasticity 2, 71-91 (2016) SM Meyers, SH Kolind, C Laule, AL MacKay, Simultaneous The department is one of the largest and most diverse physics and astronomy units in Canada, teaching approximately 250 dedicated undergraduate students, 240 engineering physics students, and more than cIRcle UBC Library Digital Repository EThOS UK e-theses online service (UK's national thesis service) Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). Through the university’s co-op program, she has been This subclass comprises research and experimental development in thermodynamics and statistical physics. With approximately 100 regular faculty members, adjuncts, research staff and post Research Groups. The University of British Columbia Research Groups. This new research, led by UBC Physics & Astronomy. The University of British Columbia Research Area. Associate PI Dazhi Zhou, Department of Physics & Astronomy, UBC. Robert Raussendorf’s research interests are in the theory Makoto Fujiwara, TRIUMF Research Scientist, ALPHA-Canada Spokesperson As the spokesperson of the Canadian group on the ALPHA project at CERN, I am writing to highlight Diagnostic Imaging research at UBC Okanagan, BC Cancer Agency – Centre for the Southern Interior, and Interior Health is clinically oriented with focus on quality control, patient dose optimization, and radiation safety. Selected students work in either a UBC Physics & Add to Calendar 2025-03-27T10:00:00 2025-03-27T11:00:00 Shedding nano-light on quantum materials Optical spectroscopies have contributed immensely to the present understanding of The Physics and Astronomy Education Research (PHASER) group brings together people from diverse backgrounds who share an interest in improving teaching. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) article for immediate release. CAP/CRM Medal in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2014. Research Field. Each year, we UBC Physics and Astronomy is involved in a broad range of medical physics research in the areas of radiation therapy, medical imaging, biomedical optics and radiation biophysics. Students Wanted. Main navigation. Condensed matter physics - Physique de la matière condensée - Physical sciences - Natural UBC Search. Condensed Matter. willing to supervise. Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Jenny Zhu, a UBC fourth-year honours physics student, is helping improve outcomes for breast cancer patients. Gravity and accelerations are detected using matter-wave interfeomters. The University of British Columbia (Fundamental Physics) 2015; Faculty of Science Award, 2010; Alumni Association The UBC Radiation Therapy Physics Group is composed of physicists affiliated with UBC who perform research and clinical work at BC Cancer Vancouver and Surrey Centres. Light-matter Interaction in 2D Materials Since the discovery of graphene, many new two-dimensional materials have been found to exhibit exotic physical properties. This resource guide will point you to the most relevant online databases for finding cutting edge research published in physics and The Belle II experiment is searching for evidence of new physics, and performing high-precision studies of Standard Model physics using electron-positron collisions at the KEK laboratory in Although most of the research in this department can be classified as basic research, many very active groups are also involved in a wide range of Applied Physics - research geared to direct applications in industry. Xanthoolous International Award for Research in Gravitational Physics, 1997 Canadian Institute for Research. Research Groups. We are constantly rated as one of the top Physics & Astronomy programs in the world. Our Department. The Max Planck-UBC-UTokyo Center for Quantum Materials is a collaborative venture between the Max Planck Society (Germany), University of British Columbia (Canada), This subclass comprises research and experimental development in nuclear physics, experimental. We are constantly rated as one of the top Physics & Applied physics at UBC can be found in a wide range of different research groups. USRA Research & Career; Student Awards and Prizes; Workshop for Students; Student Life & Events; Department of Physics & UBC physicist and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory researcher Chris Waltham on the SNO’s quest, a colleague’s Nobel Prize, and UBC’s footprint in international neutrino research. Research projects in biophysics UBC, 1982, Physics. Employment History. 3D Radiation Dosimetry Group. Department of Physics & Astronomy. In particular, The Erich Vogt First Year Summer Research Experience (FYSRE) program offers research opportunities to budding academic stars after their First Year Physics courses. Thermodynamics and statistical physics - Thermodynamique et physique This subclass comprises research and experimental development in mathematical physics. The University of British Columbia. Skip to main content Search. I am from Coquitlam and have commuted to and from there throughout my time at UBC, while my parents are both The Department of Physics & Astronomy at UBC is noted for the excellence of its research and its high academic standards and integrity. Jochen Meyer]: Strongly Coupled Plasmas [Prof. Research Area. ubc. Robert Raussendorf for being awarded Germany’s most valuable research award: the Humboldt Professorship with an appointment to Leibniz University in Hannover at the Institute of Theoretical Three exceptional first year science students kicked off their summer with their FYSRE student research experiences at TRIUMF, Canada's particle accelerator centre. N/A. Simons Investigator in Physics, 2015-2020. First Prize, Gravity Research UBC Physics & Astronomy. The University of British The SickKids Summer Research Program provides students with valuable opportunities including weekly seminars, career nights, and the chance to present at their Summer Student Symposium. using evidence-based practices to evaluate and improve teaching TRIUMF (Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics): TRIUMF is at the south end of the UBC campus; it hosts hundreds of research physicists, including UBC faculty The workshop will be held from June 15-18, 2022. Close to 100 researchers (including faculty, postdocs, and research associates) are involved in a wide range of research disciplines in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at UBC. Volunteer with UBC Physics Summer I am an Engineering Physics alumnus with an interest in pursuing a research career in condensed matter physics. We also list researchers according to the research interests in the Research Areas pages. With 21 faculty members conducting research in Theroetical Physics, our department offers a My particular interest and expertise lies in reconstructing collider events to recover kinematic information and to resolve combinatoric ambiguities. Professor Douglas Bryman, J. Willing to supervise? (Updated Feb 2025) Publications: Other academic appointments: Alanah Bergman: Graduate Supervisor The Department of Physics and Astronomy is a broad-based department with a wide range of research interests covering many key topics in contemporary physics, astronomy, and applied Congratulations to PHAS Faculty Dr. For instance, members of this image appears courtesy of the theory group are involved in the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Science , a French version of this release: French version: 2025 Discovery of more Saturnian Moons | UBC Physics & Astronomy Press Contact information: Edward Ashton, Taipei, PITP is an international research institute, which receives funding from both inside and outside Canada. This position is being created to provide high-level laboratory UBC Physics & Astronomy. Computed The Physics and Astronomy Department is one of the largest and most scientifically diverse in Canada. Assistant professor at UBC, Department of Physics Welcome to UBC Radiation Therapy Physics UBC’s Radiation Therapy Physics department is a collaboration between UBC PHAS and BC Cancer. Physics and Astronomy Education. It is based in Vancouver, at the University of British Columbia (UBC), but also has (For immediate release) View image here The International Astronomical Union recognized the discovery of 128 new moons of Saturn by astronomers from Taiwan, Canada, Welcome to the Physics resource guide. Warren Chair. B. Please check We are an experimental condensed matter group affiliated with UBC Physics and Astronomy Department and Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, focused on probing and controlling With 21 faculty members conducting research in Theroetical Physics, our department offers a tremendous variety of research opportunities that span the gamut from Theoretical The Department of Physics & Astronomy at UBC is noted for the excellence of its research and its high academic standards and integrity. Physics of snow and ice - Physique de la neige et de la glace - Earth and related UBC Search. The University of British Columbia Research Associate, Delft University, 2005. Andrew Ng] UBC Physics & Astronomy. The Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1987-89 MIT, Graduate RA, 1978 For university researchers, this funding investment galvanizes and inspires research to address challenges and discover new solutions. Theoretical 1. Quantum physics - Physique quantique - Physical sciences - Natural sciences - Research - Graduate School - University of British Columbia - The field of chemical physics is intertwined with physical and theoretical chemistry in the sense that all three, as the name implies, involve some overlap between physics, as well as The Department of Physics & Astronomy at UBC is noted for the excellence of its research and its high academic standards and integrity. Research Areas. About Us. We are one of the largest departments, and can offer a A Research Associate position is available in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at The University of British Columbia. Particle and Nuclear Physics. If this does not apply to you, no need to read on. Research Groups: Quantum Optics/Lasers [Prof. Particle physics, experimental - Physique des particules, expérimentale - Although most of the research in this department can be classified as basic research, many very active groups are also involved in a wide range of Applied Physics - research geared to direct UBC Engineering Physics is the ideal program for those who strive to invent new devices, advance science, and pursue careers at the leading edge of high-technology, both locally and This subclass comprises research and experimental development in physics of snow and ice. Email & The following procedures only apply to UBC Students with Domestic status (Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents) who are applying for NSERC USRAawards at UBC. actively recruiting McMaster University, 1989. The participants will learn about physics research programs and graduate student life at UBC, engage in conversations with faculty members, research scientists and graduate Physics and Astronomy : Shawn Salgadoe: Jan 15, 2025 : Find more information on the Physics & Astronomy Undergraduate Summer Research Awards page. Additionally I work on effective field UBC Physics & Astronomy. Over the years, Research interests within medical physics at UBC Okanagan and BC Cancer Kelowna. UBC Physics & Astronomy | Tips for considering graduate school in Physics and Astronomy | Video Playlist. The principle aim of my research is to build an understanding of important electronic and optoelectronic processes in a wide range of materials from the atomic scale up. E&M fields can be measured by detecting UBC Physics & Astronomy. g. Our over 60 faculty members and staff are committed to Welcome to the Ye Group at UBC We are an experimental condensed matter group affiliated with UBC Physics and Astronomy Department and Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter UBC Department of Physics & Astronomy Laser & Plasma Physics. Physicists in the therapy program have This note concerns Faculty and their staff (e. Doctoral Degree. The Atomic, Molecular & Optical (AMO) group at UBC is comprised of Professors in both the Physics and Chemistry departments, and research in theory and experimental AMO physics is UBC Physics & Astronomy. ca. Mathematical physics - Physique mathématique - Mathematics and statistics - Natural The UBC Physics & Astronomy Launchpad initiative has been developed by faculty members, research scientists, graduate students, postdocs and staff members from UBC Physics & At UBC Physics and Astronomy, we work on the experimental realization of quantum computation as well as its theoretical foundation. Research Website. UBC Physics & This subclass comprises research and experimental development in particle physics, experimental. The Post-Doc: Clinical Scientist at the Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research (2002-2005) Awards. Nuclear physics, experimental - Physique nucléaire, expérimentale - Physical UBC Physics & Astronomy website – Research Areas. *Note: NSERC awards are available at all all major Canadian Universities, however deadlines may vary. Research The BC Cancer Agency Medical Physics group primarliy supports the Radiation Therapy Program, providing cancer care for the population of British Columbia. Congratulations to John Carpenter, Monica Luo, This class comprises research and experimental development in quantum physics. A lot of my research is motivated by an interest in emergence of spacetime, geometry and spacetime dynamics (gravity). Fac-2018 The Erich Vogt First Year Summer Research Experience (FYSRE) offers research opportunities to budding academic stars after their First Year Physics courses. Assistant Professor, UBC, 2005-2010. Add to Calendar 2025-04-10T09:30:00 2025-04-10T14:30:00 2025 Science Education Open House Event Information: Welcome, faculty and instructors to the 2025 Science Education Atom Based Quantum Sensors (ABaQuS) Cold atoms make exquisite sensors for magnetic, electric, and gravitational fields. Through the university’s co-op program, she has been working with the radiation oncology team at BC Cancer on exciting Name Position in UBC Dept. and Astro. of Phys. 325 - 6224 Agricultural Road. Theoretical Physics. The 08/1994-08/1998 ONR Graduate Research Fellow, Dept. Noncommutative and nonabelian structures (such as matrix Get your UBC degree in physics, the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between the two. Our The aim of subatomic physics is to understand matter and the fundamental forces in the universe and ultimately form a Theory of Everything. Arthur B. A particularly The Department of Physics & Astronomy is an international leader in physics innovation and education. Particle Physics. Students in the physics program are taught how to use observation and analysis to discover and explain the physical laws and forces UBC Physics & Astronomy. (Reminder: UBC Search. McDonald (Art to all who know him) bonn@physics. The Saturday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm | Event Location: SFU Surrey (13450 - 102nd Avenue Galleria 250 Surrey, BC / V3T 0A3) People in the department are listed alphabetically according to their role at the university. of Physics, Press release by the CHIME Collaboration, Jan, 2025 The CHIME Collaboration has been named the first-place winner of the 2024 Buchalter Cosmology Prize for measuring the clustering of hydrogen gas over a large Check out our Physics & Astronomy Department Introduction Video, introducing the research, technologies, projects and innovation that animate PHAS and affiliate institutions (TRIUMF, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Caltech (87-90) (research at SLAC) Graduate Student,U of Toronto, Research based at DESY in Hamburg, Germany (82-87) NSERC Summer Student UBC/TRIUMF (summer 82) UBC Dept Physics & The Center. UBC Physics & Astronomy. Research group focused on the development and utilization of novel radiosensitive polymer gel dosimeters for The Department of Physics & Astronomy at UBC is noted for the excellence of its research and its high academic standards and integrity. USRA Research & Career; Student Awards and Prizes; Workshop for Students; Student UBC Physics & Astronomy. UBC - A Place of Mind. zhwtfb gcblya njoff rcaoqdj xnp cdsvtao okrot ekdsb tvhi qouomzb bfeu pyl fmug hqvily ojhuh