Sunshine health mileage reimbursement Trips over 100 miles one-way and out of the service areas/state require prior authorization, which Inclusion or exclusion of a code does not constitute or imply subscriber coverage or provider reimbursement. ($200) per day; up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) per year for trips greater than one hundred (100) miles. 1-844-477-8313 Provider Services. Sunshine Health EIS Billing Guidelines-PAGE NOT FOUND 4. Sunshine Health Plan Reservations Ride Assistance parents/guardians cannot get gas mileage reimbursement”. Member Services: Sunshine Health and CMS Health Plan Member Services are open as usual from 8 a. Box 5010 Sunshine Health, ou gen tout dwa pou w jwenn èd ak enfòmasyon nan lang manman w san sa pa koute w anyen. All Mileage Reimbursement Trip Logs for Child Welfare Specialty Plan members should be mailed to Alivi for payment at: Alivi Claims Department 7205 Corporate Center Drive Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if your child has someone that can assist with transportation. Find the Print Directory here, too. To be reimbursed, all claims need to be filled out using the UnitedHealthcare Group Retiree Gas Mileage Reimbursement form (PDF opens in a new tab). O Box 947986 Atlanta, GA 30394-7986. Covered Services. Sunshine Health Plan Reservations Ride Assistance Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if member has someone that can assist with transportation. Postal Services mail. com (TTY 1-800-955-8770) Sunshine Health provides free aids and services to people with disabilities, such as qualified sign language interpreters, written information in other It’s easy to use your $50 a month benefit View a full catalog (PDF) of covered items and instructions on how to order. Learn if you qualify for gas mileage reimbursement. All Mileage Reimbursement Trip Logs for Long Term Care and Comprehensive members should be mailed to Alivi for payment at: Alivi Claims Department completed form to Ambetter from Sunshine Health by mail . Box 5010 Farmington, MO 63640-5010 Ambetter Health is underwritten by Centene Venture Company Florida and Sunshine State Health Plan, Inc. Do you need more information or have a question? Call Provider Services at 1-844-477-8313 Monday through Friday from 8 a. The codes listed below are not a complete list. As you are likely aware, the Freedom First budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2022-2023 included funding to the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) for the purpose of raising the minimum wage for employees of Medicaid providers to at least $15 an hour. Provide circumcision coverage for Learn about Benefits and Services available from Sunshine Health for health insurance in Florida today. Yes, for trips over 100 miles. hundred dollars ($200) per day; up to one thousand dollars ($1,000 Reimbursement will be sent to the Plan subscriber (see Help Sheet for definition) at the address Ambetter from Sunshine Health has on record (To view your address of record, please log on to Ambetter. As your business Sunshine Health must resolve the standard appeal within 30 days and an expedited appeal within 48 hours. Yes. Reimbursement is available per mile. . Serving Patients Across All Of Florida. Sunshine Health is dedicated to helping Home Health Providers. For this reason, we have identified issues associated with medical record of reimbursement for providers. Transportation is provided for medical appointments to individuals that have no other means of transportation. The guides detail billing guidelines, duplicate This information is available for free in other formats and languages. Medicaid, Sunshine Health Mindful Pathways Specialty Plan (SMI) and Sunshine Health Pathway to Shine Specialty Plan (CW): 1-833-750-4392; Children's Medical Services Health Plan: 1-833-750-4401; Ambetter: 1-833-750-1160; For questions on the formulary or a drug that is provided through a retail pharmacy or specialty pharmacy call. Tran. MILEAGE LOG. ; Shop in person at select They are used to help identify whether health care services are correctly coded for reimbursement. com . Starting January 1, 2021 , new transportation subcontractors will be implemented for Sunshine Health and WellCare of Florida. LogistiCare reimburses mileage for non-emergency medical appointments through its Mileage Reimbursement program. Sunshine Health Website . Coverage/ Limitations. Start Here — Safe & Reliable. Assess the broker’s network of transportation providers. Provider Services . This policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees of Centene Corporation, its affiliates, health plans, and Provider Update: Minimum Wage Increase. Sunshine Health Secured Portal: • MFC providers can register for access to the Sunshine Health secured portal to submit claims when key provider information has been loaded into the Sunshine Health system. Louis, MO 63367. If you have any questions, please call Alivi at 1-888-863-0248. Sunshine Health will pay the Medicaid FFS rate for these services, unless the provider was paid more. Please contact our customer service number at 1-866-796-0530, TTY 1-800-955-8770 Monday through Friday, 8 a. All together now. Known as My Health Pays, the program lets members earn dollar rewards by completing healthy activities. To be reimbursed, all claims need to be filled out using the Humana Gas Mileage Reimbursement form (PDF opens in a new tab). Sunshine Health Medicaid: 1-866-796-0530 (TTY 1-800-955-8770) Sunshine Health Pathway to Shine: 1-855-463-4100 (TTY 1-800-955-8770) CMS Health Plan, operated by Sunshine Health, provides managed care services to members. Home; Login Voucher or reimbursement for caregivers to take group swimming lessons. Reimbursement will be sent to the Plan subscriber (see Help Sheet for definition) at the address Ambetter from Sunshine Health has on record (To view your address of record, ontoAmbetter. Transportation Requirements . Buckeye Health Plan. Conversely, coding errors can result in lower quality scores and missed reimbursement opportunities. Please note that for trips over 100 miles, an authorization code is required by Sunshine Health. trotter Created Date: 8/2/2016 9:08:30 PM Claims and Information. Eastern or submit a request form. Public Transportation. com or call Member Services at 1-877-687-1169 (Relay FL 1 1-866-796-0530 SunshineHealth. Celtic Insurance Company is a Health Plan issuer in the Florida market. 1-844-477-8313. It must not be given to anyone. Home; Login; Contact; Careers ($200) per day; up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) per year for trips greater than 100 miles. 1640 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 110. Digital blood pressure cuff and weight scale Ambetter Health makes sure practitioners and providers of all types are available within a certain geographic mileage or driving time from each of our members’ homes to ensure you receive quality care in a timely manner. Mileage Reimbursement Trip Logs for Sunshine Health and Sunshine Health specialty plan members should be sent to Alivi for payment at: Fax: 1-855-621-8962 LogistiCare reimburses mileage for non-emergency medical appointments through its Mileage Reimbursement program. -- 5:00p. All Mileage Reimbursement Trip Logs for CMS Health Plan members should be mailed to MTM for payment at: MTM Attention: Trip Logs 16 Hawk Ridge Drive Lake St. Community First Health Plan Trip Log; Mileage Reimbursement Trip Log; Washington DC. Providers may request an “expedited plan appeal” on their patients’ behalf if they believe that waiting 30 days for a resolution would put their life, health or ability to attain, maintain or regain maximum function in danger. Monday-Friday. Newborn Circumcisions. Page 3 | 5 . Members call any time to reach our 24-hour Nurse Advice Line. To schedule a trip for a member, Inclusion or exclusion of a code does not constitute or imply subscriber coverage or provider reimbursement. O. Sunshine Health cumple con las leyes de derechos civiles federales aplicables y no discrimina basándose en la raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, o sexo. WITH RECEIPTS. Your Sunshine Health Pathway to Shine Specialty Plan Benefits. Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if member has someone that can assist with transportation. ‍ If for any reason you are unable to complete the online registration process using the portal above or have questions, please Sunshine Health is committed to providing appropriate, high-quality, and cost-effective drug therapy to all Sunshine Health members. Nếu quý vị, hay người mà quý vị đang giúp đỡ, có câu hỏi về Sunshine Health, quý vị Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if you have someone that can assist with transportation. Sunshine Health complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. They include, but are not limited to claims processing guidelines referenced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Publication 100-04, Claims Processing Reimbursement will be sent to the Plan subscriber (see Help Sheet for definition) at the address Ambetter from Sunshine Health has on record (To view your address of record, please log on to Ambetter. Avoid the wait. The only exception is for emergency care. Mileage Reimbursement Form (PDF) - Transportation log, mileage log, gas reimbursement. What is the Florida mileage reimbursement rate in 2023? Florida did not set an official mileage reimbursement rate in 2023. Nursing Facility Services. Please check the resources below that will make it easier for you and your practice to serve members from Sunshine Health Medicaid and Ambetter from Sunshine Health Marketplace. Reimbursement will be sent to the Plan subscriber (see Help Sheet for definition) at the address Ambetter from Sunshine Health has on record (To view your address of record, please log on to Ambetter. Sunshine Health Plan Reservations Ride Assistance Mileage reimbursement trips may be scheduled up to 30 days before but no later than 24-hours before the appointment. SunshineHealth. Billing and Claims Please see the Provider Billing Manual and Billing Quick Reference Guides (QRGs). Medicaid (MMA), Comprehensive Long Term Care (LTC), Sunshine Health Pathway to Shine Child Welfare Specialty Plan (CWSP), Sunshine Health Mindful Pathways Serious Mental Illness Specialty Plan (SM/) and Sunshine Health Power to Thrive HIV/AIDS Specialty Plan. attached. Box 3070 Farmington, MO 63640-3823 Attn: Claims Department c. Voucher or reimbursement for caregivers to take group swimming lessons. SunshineHealth. Services Close Services Open Services. FLORIDA MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TRIP LOG. Input the number of miles driven for business, charitable, medical, and/or moving purposes. Vital Records Support: $50 reimbursement to help members obtain driver’s Sunshine Health must approve in advance the services listed below. com or call Member Services at 1-877-687-1169 (Relay Florida 1-800-955-8770). health™ MANUAL . We will pay that higher amount for the first 30 days. Please refer to your contract with Sunshine Health to determine all contracted/covered codes for each membership. The CMS Health Plan is for children who: Are under age 21 and eligible for Medicaid and; Have special healthcare needs that require extensive preventive and ongoing care Sunshine Health Customer Service for Managed Medical Assistance (MMA), Serious Mental Illness (SMI), and Children’s Medical Services Health Plan (CMS Health Plan), and Child Welfare (CW) products. Eastern. This site is designed to provide facilities with information, phone numbers and forms you will find helpful. Telehealth (PDF) Sunshine Health knows that the more options our members have to talk to their healthcare providers, the better. Sunshine Health Power to Thrive Specialty Plan (HIV) Prior authorization required on trips over 100 miles. Skip the Phone Call, Book Healthcare Rides in Seconds. Back dated Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if you have someone that can assist with transportation. 5. Download Prescription Claim Reimbursement Form - English (PDF) Download Prescription Claim Reimbursement Form - Spanish (PDF) Centene Venture Company Florida, and Sunshine State Health Plan, Inc. Please complete the form and send back to SafeRide Health via email or U. Eligibility. Vendor Contact Info: Alivi. Prioritizes Network Adequacy and Provider Relations. 2. Members, spouses or parents/guardians cannot get gas mileage reimbursement. Generic drugs have the same ingredients as brand name drugs, but they Ambetter Health is underwritten by Celtic Insurance Company, Centene Venture Company Florida, and Sunshine State Health Plan, Inc. Each log must be filled out correctly and Estimated Miles Reimbursement Amount PROVIDER VERIFICATION Please sign this mileage reimbursement voucher Printed Name Signature Phone # NPI # This form must be faxed from the provider ' s office on the day of the medical appointment. Sunshine Health is a licensed Florida health plan. Mileage Reimbursement Trip Logs for Sunshine Health and Sunshine Health specialty plan members should be sent to Alivi for payment at: Fax: 1-855-621-8962 Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if you have someone that can assist with transportation. Prior Authorization. This information is available for free in other formats and languages. This is a solicitation for insurance. Each log must be filled out correctly and Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if you have someone that can assist with transportation. Sunshine Health provides free aids and services to people with disabilities, such as qualified sign language interpreters, written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic and other formats), and free language services to people Total mileage to be paid: Total amount for this form: Batch #: Batch date: This information is private. SafeRide form. Lead analysts continue to remain eligible to receive reimbursement for caregiver training delivered remotely. Please keep photocopies of your bills, receipts, and supporting documentation for your personal records. Your KidCare Expanded Benefits; Service. What is the mileage deduction for home health? ‍ According to the IRS, the standard mileage rates for 2025 are: . That information includes: • Name • TIN/SSN Claims and Information. Transportation Requests. AHCA released Sunshine Health Plan P. These companies are Qualified Health Plan issuers in the Florida Health Insurance Marketplace. Retain a copy of all receipts and documentation Sunshine Health’s Healthy Behaviors program aims to help members improve their health and wellness. Centene offers a comprehensive benefits package including competitive pay, health insurance, 401K and stock purchase plans, tuition reimbursement, paid time off plus holidays, and a flexible Provider Reimbursement Schedules and Billing Codes; Timely Claim Submission. Options include: Order online or on the OTC Health Solutions mobile app to have items shipped to your home. and . Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if you have someone that can assist with transportation. and agree to our reimbursement terms. To qualify for reimbursement, you must call Alivi at 1-844-352-0134 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday between 8 a. Must be sent to: LogistiCare Claims Department. All LogistiCare administers our members’ transportation benefits. Co - Sunshine State Health Plan P. The QRGs include targeted claims and authorization instructions per provider type. Eastern to have items shipped to your home. Biometric Equipment. Learn more. Sunshine Health does not exclude people Member Reimbursement Medical Claim Form Centene Venture Company Florida, and Sunshine State Health Plan, Inc. Providers must submit claims in a timely manner as indicated in the following table. EST. Pou w pale avèk yon entèprèt, sonnen nimewo 1-866-796-0530 (TTY 1-800-955-8770). com It’s easy to use your $50 a month benefit. It is not part of the freedom of information act or open records law. Updated 01- 29 - 19 . Some brokers, licensed by the Office of Insurance Regulations as a Third-Party Administrator (TPA), enable health insurance companies to outsource operational functions. Each payment rule is sourced by a generally accepted coding principle. ‍ If for any reason you are unable to complete the online registration process Ambetter Health -Member Reimbursement • • P. Includes up to 8 lessons from a local YMCA, if available. Microsoft Word - 2016 Mileage Reimbursement Form - FL Author: john. Children’s Medical Services Health Plan offers anytime, anywhere medical help at no cost to you. to 8 p. ; Order by phone at 1-888-262-6298, Monday through Friday, 9 a. Integrated Life Plan (PDF) Home As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, Sunshine Health remains focused on continuous quality improvement. Includes up to 8 lessons from a local Sunshine Health Plan Reservations Ride Assistance Medicaid 877-659-8420/TTY: 711 877-659-8421/ TTY: 711 Child Welfare 877-659-8420 /TTY: 711 877-659-8421/ TTY: 711 711 • Mileage reimbursement trips may be scheduledup to 30 days in advance but no later than the day of the appointment. In Florida, WellCare and Sunshine Health are bringing our health plans together to better serve our members, providers, partners and communities. Provider Changes What’s New For Sunshine Health Members in 2025. Description. College Park, GA 30349. View a full catalog (PDF) of covered items and instructions on how to order. 866-531-0615. Sunshine Health covers prescription medications and certain over-the-counter medications with a written order from a Sunshine Health provider. Telehealth is your easy, 24-hour access to in-network providers for non-emergency health issues. Sunshine Health EIS Billing Guidelines-PAGE NOT FOUND. You can also contactyour child’s Care Manager. This keeps with precedent in previous years. You can calculate mileage reimbursement in three simple steps: Select your tax year. The pharmacy program does not cover all medications. Member Portal Login. Sunshine Health Attn: Centene Mgmt. m. This means that a provider can bill Sunshine Health for the EIS and EIS TCM services that a new member was receiving, prior to enrolling in Sunshine Health, without having a contract in place. If that precedent is ever changed, you can check here to see if they’ve announced a state mileage reimbursement rate, but as of today’s writing in 2023, it’s business as The Kansas Medicaid Handbook for members of Sunflower Health Plan tells you how our program works and what we offer. We cover brand name and generic drugs. Mileage Reimbursement. Ambetter from Sunshine Health, Attn: Claims Department - Member Reimbursement P. Prior approval is required for all services by a provider who is not in the Sunshine Health network. Book Faster, Get Sunshine Health covers select spacers/aerosol-holding chambers for Medicaid members that will be covered through the pharmacy benefit. Family members or friends can take you to and from appointments and be reimbursed for miles. Sunshine Health is proud to launch new names for our existing health plan products, a new health plan for members diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, and new and improved benefits for your patients, our members. Back-dated mileage reimbursement trip requests will not be paid for. Prior-authorization requests are processed by Sunshine Health’s Utilization Management (UM) Department. For help from the Sunshine Health Mindful Pathways Specialty Plan, contact Member Services at 1-866-796-0530, Monday through Friday, from 8 a. View online or download now. A Medicaid NEMT broker collaborates with state Medicaid agencies or health plans to offer non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) for routine healthcare appointments. We regularly review the provider network and make decisions about which providers Gas Mileage Reimbursement Program. Date: 01/27/20 Sunrise, Florida. DRIVER NAME: RELATIONSHIP TO MEMBER: DRIVER MAILING ADDRESS: DRIVER PHONE #: CITY/STATE/ZIP: MEMBER NAME (If different from Driver): MEMBER ID#: Alivi Transportation, guidelines for eligibility and submission for mileage reimbursement and the appropriate level of need of members Mileage reimbursement trips may be scheduled up to 30 days before but no later than 24-hours before the appointment. Prior Authorization Required. The guides detail billing guidelines, duplicate 1-800-955-8770 de lunes a viernes, de 8 a. Sunshine Health Florida Medicaid and Health Insurance Website . S. Centene Venture Company Florida, and Sunshine State Health Plan, Inc are Qualified Health Plan issuers in the Florida Health Insurance Marketplace. Date: 09/16/22 Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Need a ride? No calls, no hassle — book, track, and manage your rides to and from care with our easy-to-use member portal. Each log must be filled out correctly and Gas mileage reimbursement is an option if member has someone that can assist with transportation. Sunshine Health is excited to announce that we are expanding the number of transportation service providers to better serve our members and get them to needed medical appointments. Florida (Sunshine) Mileage Reimbursement Trip Log; Idaho. The program also helps members manage chronic conditions and build relationships with their providers. Yes. Box 3070 Farmington, MO 63640 -3823 . Centene Venture Company Florida, and Sunshine State Health Plan, Inc are Qualified Health Plan issuers in the Florida Health Insurance Marketplace Ensure they can brand the mobile app to your health plan. Rides available can include: Sedan, Van, Taxi, Public Transit, Stretcher Learn more about Sunshine Health's Practice Improvement Resource Center (PIRC) which contains resources such as provider manuals, health forms, bulletins and more. Meals provided during non-emergency transportation greater than 100 miles; Non-emergency services with a non-participating provider; Sunshine Health has contracted with the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) to serve Medicaid, Long-Term Care, and other program members. Back dated mileage reimbursement trip requests will not Inclusion or exclusion of a code does not constitute or imply subscriber coverage or provider reimbursement. Sunshine Health Billing and Claims Please see the Provider Billing Manual and Billing Quick Reference Guides (QRGs). • Mileage reimbursement trips should be scheduled by calling LogistiCare’s reservation line at any of the following numbers Monday through Friday, 8:00a. Please refer to your contract with Sunshine Health to determine all contracted/covered codes for each membership as well as the DME Medical Supply Services Fee Schedule found on the AHCA Learn about Benefits and Services available from Sunshine Health for health insurance in Florida today. Skip to Main Content. All Mileage Reimbursement Trip Logs for Sunshine Health Medicaid and specialty plan members should be mailed to Alivi for payment at: Alivi Claims Department LogistiCare reimburses mileage for non-emergency medical appointments through its Mileage Reimbursement program. Sunshine Health Plan Reservations Ride Assistance Medicaid 877-659-8420/TTY: 711 877-659-8421/ TTY: 711 Child Welfare 877-659-8420 /TTY: 711 877-659-8421/ TTY: 711 Long Term Care 877-659-8414/ TTY: 711 877-659-8415/ TTY: 711 • Mileage reimbursement trips may be scheduledup to 30 days in advance but no later than the day of the appointment. Retain a copy of all receipts and documentation Sunshine Health P. If you have any questions, please call Alivi at (786) 441 -8500. com or call Member Services at 1-877-687-1169 (Relay Florida: 1 You can use this mileage reimbursement calculator to determine the deductible costs associated with running a vehicle for medical, charitable, business, or moving. All Mileage Reimbursement Trip Logs should be mailed to Alivi for payment at: Alivi Claims Department 7205 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 404 Miami, FL 33126. $50 reimbursement for copies of personal documentation, such as driver’s license or birth certificate Estimated Miles Reimbursement Amount PROVIDER VERIFICATION Please sign this mileage reimbursement voucher Printed Name Signature Phone # NPI # This form must be faxed from the providers office on the day of the medical appointment. Sunshine Health Pathway to Shine Specialty Plan (CWSP): 1-855-463-4100 Telehealth Services. a 8 p. Assess the broker’s ability to integrate with health plan systems or electronic health records, facilitating seamless data exchange and care coordination. Date: 01/17/25 . Prior authorization is required for trips over 100 miles, meals, and lodging. If an authorization is required, the Transportation Vendor will submit the authorization request to the Health Plan after services have been requested . Provider Manuals and Guides Provider and Billing Manual 4. Nursing Facility Transition Assistance. Members may receive one select spacer/chamber per year without prior authorization. Welcome to Modivcare of Florida. and 5 p. Mileage Mileage reimbursement trips may be scheduled up to 30 days before but no later than 24-hours before the appointment. 70 cents per mile for business-related purposes; 21 cents per mile for medical purposes sunshine . vqrlb uofzk izrvdc ucgr wvvr clo rzix oqrin dxqzjx skif ydixn mzfokaqe gemtw bdfiw ntwy