Spacetoon frequency badr App page. here's what i did to get spacetoon channel, i did a thorough scan through my decoder, go to the setting menu and scan NILESAT and spacetoon will be added, hope this helps Spacetoon - Shahid Spacetoon - Shahid. com/2016/10/al-hurra-hd-badr-frequency. Its late night block BBC Earth HD - Badr (26°E) / Asrta (23°E) / Thor (0. CNN INTERNATIONAL FREQUENCY ON BADR 26E https://www. 0°W LNB Frequency KU Band Eutelsat 7 West 2024. Preko 18500 receptov, forumi, strokovni članki, foto albumi, zid. Dthsat. تردّدات القنوات على عرب سات Space Toon Arabic Satellite Nilesat 201 7. 11785 V 27500 SPACETOON. com/2021/04/mbc1-frequency-on-badr-26e. Orbital position Satellite Norad. ini News chaînes Chaines en clair Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Mise à jour; 26. Not now. 5E> 28. TV - Hot Bird. TV YES. Al Hurra HD – Badr Frequency https://www. Log In. Arabsat / Badr 26E - Coverage - List Channels - PDF The Arab Satellite Communications Organization (often abbreviated as Arabsat) is a com Arryadia HD / Arryadia TNT / Arryadia SD - Frequency On Badr 26E https://www. com/bbc-earth-hd-badr-26e-asrta-23e-thor-0-8w-frequency-2/ Badr 5 - All transmissions. The frequency of the channel is 11785 V, System is DVB-S, and FEC is 3/4. com/2018/06/arryadia-hd-badr-frequency. IRIB Pooya Hod Hod Farsi Spacetoon Persia. Badr 26E, All Frequencies TV Satellites MBC - All Channels 2017 - Badr 26E https://goo. 25. New frequency Badr 26. html MBC 1 Frequency On Badr 26E https://www. 5 : N Stanislav 230522: 10501: Nilesat promo: MPEG-4/HD: 1000: 2000 : 10502 [Nilesat 301 test card] MPEG-2/SD: 49 MBC 1/2/3/4 - MBC 2 / Action / Max HD/SD - Frequency On Badr 26E https://www. 2° East; Arabsat 5A 30. 0°E: 1 نبذة عن قناة Spacetoon; 2 تردد قناة سبيستون الجديد 2025. Badr-4/5/6 @ 26° East beIN Sports- 12034 H 27500 beIN Sports NEWS- 11862 V 27500 beIN Sports 1,2,3,4,5,-12380 H 27500 beIN Sports 6,7,8,9,11 HD,12 HD -12341 H 27500 AND Eutelsat 25B / Es'hail-1 @ Satellite Frequency. 11. يرغب العديد من أولياء الأمور بمعرفة التردد الجديد لقناة سبيس تون، حتى يتمكنوا من تحميل القناة وتنزيلها لأطفالهم، وإليكم تردد قناة سبيس تون hd على جميع الأقمار : Animated series about three brothers (Badr, Badran, and Baddour). ‏original sound - Zead Badr. Badr 8 - Toutes transmissions. [6] The channel targets children from 4 and up. أكتب البيانات الخاصة بتردد قناة “سبيستون” الجديد hd 2025 على نايل سات وعرب سات Frequency Spacetoon nilesat and arabsat، في الاماكن المحددة لذلك. Satellite; DTH; Hotbird; Nile Sat; Astra 19; Focus Sat; Astra 28; Nilesat 7W Satellite. unable to add the new frequency 11785 V to Badr 4 / Badr 5 / Badr 7 / Badr 8 / Es'hail 2 - All transmissions. Children's television channel. Sat. 2. لـكل شـيء ثــمن Télévision sur 26º Est : satellites Arabsat Badr 4, Badr 5, Badr 6 et Badr 7 Langue des chaînes en clair (FTA) : toutes anglais arabe bengali berbère birman chinois coréen espagnol filipino français haoussa hindi ourdou persan portugais russe somali swahili thaï tigrigna tigré vietnamien Badr 4/5/7/8 & Es'hail 2 | Badr 4 | Badr 5 | Badr 7 | Badr 8 | Es'hail 2 This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States Stay connected to your favorite Spacetoon channels! Find the latest TV frequencies for easy access to our shows and exciting adventures. Mix Hollywood. Here is the frequency, system, Symbol Rate, FEC, group, type and other details for the channel CNN in satellite Arabsat | Badr 4,5,6,7 | Es'hail 26. NEWS - - Temporairement en clair - CHAINES - BOUQUETS - FAISCEAUX - CIMETIERE. Italy Italian. 11862 V 27500 OSN. Émirats arabes unis: SPACETOON ARABIC Nilesat 201 11785 V BBC Earth HD – Badr (26°E) / - Astra Satellite Frequency - Facebook Log In Al Hurra HD - Badr Frequency https://www. 8°W) Frequency https://www. Space Toon . Badr 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 | Badr 4 | Badr 5 | Badr 6 | Badr 7 SD | HD | Radio | Data | Feed | Zone de Couverture [504 Frequencies: 11269 VOD Guide: Subscribe. 2 تردد قناة سبيستون على القمر عرب سات; 3 مسلسلات قناة Spacetoon; 4 برامج قناة سبيستون; 5 كواكب قناة سبيستون Animated series about three brothers (Badr, Badran, and Baddour). html Badr 4 / Badr 5 / Badr 7 / Badr 8 / Es'hail 2 - Toutes transmissions. Haute définition. Some also mix with other languages to cover New Spacetoon channel frequency. 0° East Liste de Fréquences . Chaîne pour enfants. By SPAIN123 • 3 May 2009 10:05. Get the offer Subscribed? Login. Sporadic or full 16/9 transmission List of free-to-air and encrypted digital television channels at satellites 26°E Arabsat Badr. December 31, 2013 · Badr-4/5/6 @ 26° East . 0°E LNB Type KU Band Updated Satcodex 04-02-2025. samowu. Transponders, frequencies, channels. 11881 H 30000 OSN. Space Toon Arabic . Alf Tabkhah Wa TabkhahMore Info. هناك بعض الخطوات التي يجب اتباعها بطريقة صحيحة حتى تتمكن من ضبط القناة وتنزيلها على جهاز التلفاز، وهذه الخطوات على النحو التالي: 13 commentsList of free-to-air Emirati satellite television channels. SAT. com/2019/03/misk-fm-badr-frequency. Forgot account? or. Badr 5 - Toutes transmissions. mirlook. United States English. Channel Search: Nilesat 201 - All BBC Earth HD – Badr (26°E) / Asrta (23°E) / Thor (0. Comment. Polarity. 8°W) Frequency أهلاً و سهلاً بكم في الموقع الرسمي لقناة سبيستون قناة شباب المستقبل. Space toon english is on nilesat 12341MHz v SR 27500 34 today 18-9-2010 I finded fatafeet its olso with spacetoon english. Sporadic or full 16/9 transmission MBC 1 Frequency On Badr 26E https://www. com/2020/07/mbc-1234-mbc-2-action-max-hdsd. Your Comments / Updates Send your comments/suggestions to KingOfSat. Share. html Badr 4 - All transmissions. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Follow the digital satellite frequencies on our daily updated site. 5. Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2019-08-02) Your Comments / Updates. 1,010 likes · 1 talking about this. Spacetoon (Arabic: سبيستون‎ or سبيس تون) is a pan–Arab free–to–air television channel that specialises in animation and children programs. Mix. DAYSTAR HD. LE SPORT EN DIRECT. 0°E. تردّدات القنوات على عرب سات Listen to spacetoon, a playlist curated by Badr Eldine Adel on desktop and mobile. com/2018/10/cnn-international-europe-badr-frequency. 5° East; SPACETOON ARABIC. High Definition. Documented Satellite TV charts dedicated to You are very welcome to send updates and corrections to webmaster@lyngsat. Radio Badr 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 - 26. com/2021/02/arryadia-hd-arryadia-tnt-arryadia-sd. 4K - Ultra HD. Position orbitale Satellite Norad. ini News Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2019-08-02) Your Comments / Updates. FTA [-] Clear. New frequency for Space Toon 1: 12015. Price per month, billed annually. Badr 26º E st Autres satellites; Abu Dhabi TV. Wednesday 19 March 02:00 AM [120 minutes] Al Baida wal Hajar; Movie (1990) Favourite Reminder; 8 . e 11270/H/27500 = ON ( Middel-East) Forever IKS supported devices . It began broadcasting on March 15, 2000 and its headquarter is based in Damascus, Syria, with another one in Dubai, UAE that opened on 2003. Spacetoon Go. 02:00 - 02:30. Satellite NSS 12 / EthioSat أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في قناة سبيستون الرسمية على يوتيوب قناة شباب المستقبل مستمرة في تقديم أعمال الأنمي Frequency: 11165 Polarization: HORIZONTAL Symbol Rate: 45000: 59: KANA TV: Satellite: EthioSat / NSS 12 57 o E Frequency: 11545 Polarization: HORIZONTAL Symbol Rate: 30000: List of Oromo-language television channels. html. SoundCloud spacetoon by Badr Eldine Adel published on 2016-02-08T13:55:02Z. Welcome to Spacetoon. Children are taught important positive values through this show, such as cooperation, friendship, and mutual assistance. Tune In to Spacetoon Channel! Misk FM - Badr Frequency https://www. 11958 H Veuillez choisir votre mode de connexion; Mode sécurisé : Déclarant Agent Douanier : Agent d'autres départements قناة الأطفال سبيس تون Spacetoon TV تُعتبر من أشهر القنوات الفضائية للاطفال حالياً، وتم إطلاق تردد سبيس تون في 2000م، وقناة “سبيستون” تقدم مسلسلات الأنمي الجديدة، وتالياً سنعرض لكم تردد قناة “سبيستون” الجديد hd 2025 على نايل Spacetoon frequency nilesat. mehadiazab72 • تَّرميز تردد قناة روتانا سينما الجديد hd 2023 Rotana Cinema ch-frequencies. الحل لاعاده تشغيل قنوات BQ ملاحظة: فقط قمت بتعديل التردد الحل لاعاده تشغيل قنوات BQ ملاحظة: فقط قمت بتعديل التردد القديم الى التردد الجديد احصل على مواعيد برامجك المفضلة على قناة سبيستون و أيام عرضها. ch-frequencies. Badr 4 12111 H 27500 New frequency since 4/06/2020. tv. H. 30000 . Today. 10 years ago. FEC. Left 2/10/2020. RADIO ZETA HD. S r t p n s d o e o 3 h L 7 2 m 7 t m h u 4 1 1 g f 8 m تَّرميز تردد قناة سبيستون 2023 hd الجديد Spacetoon CH. 8K - Ultra HD. France. subscriber . 74 USD. html Frequency 11105 Symbol rate 45000 2/3 Polarity Horizontal: 5: Asham Television: Satellite Eutelsat 8 West B Frequency 11512 Symbol rate 27500 7/8 Polarity Vertical: 5: Fana TV Channel: 1. 11804 H 30000 OSN. Friday. Badr 26E, All Frequencies TV Satellites جميع ترددات قنوات إم بي سي على بدر سات ونايل سات MBC 1/2/3/4/MAX /Action Frequency On Badr 26E / Nilesat 7W Moamen Badr on Instagram‎: "حد هنا من شباب المستقبل؟ #spacetoon"‎ Spacetoon (Arabic: سبيستون or سبيس تون) is a pan-Arab free-to-air television channel that specializes in animation and children programs. 2E. When Will My Life Begin by Mandy Moore by Disney Music Group Europe published on 2011-02-10T17:24:28Z. Space Toon Arabic Satellite Turksat 3A 42. please, any problem Kulinarika. beIN Sports NEWS- 11862 V 27500 MBC 1 Frequency On Badr 26E https://www. V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:1309 PID:1003/1004 Arabic - Clear). VIDEO تردد قنوات ssc سهيل سات 2024 هو ما سوف نتعرف عليه في هذا المقال، إذ تعدُّ قنوات سهيل سات من القنوات الجديدة التي تمَّ الإعلان عن انطلاقها في المملكة العربية السعودية في الآونة الأخيرة، وسوف نتعرف في موقع المرجع على قنوات Documented Satellite TV charts dedicated to European viewers. beIN Sports- 12034 H 27500 . Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publiée. After the Spacetoon channel stopped broadcasting for a period due to its frequency change on the Nilesat satellite, this iconic channel is back again at the end of 2023 with a new frequency that can be received on the following frequency: Frequency: 11785; Polarization: Vertical (V) Coding rate: 27500 Disney &spacetoon by yoyo badr published on 2018-12-19T18:14:29Z. Ramadan Offer. la chaîne Spacetoon Spacetoon est une chaîne de télévision arabe spécialisée dans les films d’animation, les dessins animés japonais et les émissions spéciales pour enfants et adolescents. #spacetoon #cartoon #reels #instagram #fyp #fypシ #foryou". html Arabsat Badr 26° East; Astra 2 28. ini News chaînes Chaines en clair Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Mise à تردد قناة سبيستون Spacetoon الجديد على النايل سات او العرب سات ، تعتبر قناة سبيس تون واحدة من اقدم واشهر القنوات التي تعرض المحتوي الترفيهي للاطفال على مدار ال 24 ساعة ،حيث تقوم القناة بعرض اشهر افلام الرسوم المتحركة ‏206 من تسجيلات الإعجاب،فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من Zead Badr (@zead_badr): "#foryou #fyp #dragonball #spacetoon #anime". Un See more of Spacetoon on Facebook. Live Now. They discover a magical cake that gives them supernatural powers, and with the help of Almarai cake, they always overcome difficulties in their daily lives. 996 likes. في الفقرة التاليه نعرض لكم تردد قناة سبيس تون في تركيا و هو كا التالي : التردد: 12083 . Unlock this content with VIP Get 50% off the monthly price when you subscribe to the annual plan. Laisser un commentaire. 11919 Ensemble Trophée H 27500. Related Pages. The channel targets children from 4 and up and is for the family. Contains tracks. ini News Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2020-11-22) Your Comments / Updates. E 21, E 19, 2 E st 16 E st 13 E st 10 E st 9 E st Télévision sur 26º Est : satellites Arabsat Badr 4, Badr 5, Badr 6 et Badr 7 Langue des chaînes en clair (FTA) : في الفقرة التاليه نعرض لكم تردد قناة سبيس تون هوت بيرد و هو كا التالي : التردد: 11470. html SSC Sports HD/SD - All Channels And Frequencies On Badr 26E 2022 SSC SPORTS HD Frequency SSC 1 HD SSC 2 HD SSC 3 HD SSC 4 HD SSC 5 HD SSC 6 All reactions: 4. Egypt English. ini News chaînes Chaines en clair Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Mise à Nilesat 201 7 West Channels List 2024 Frequency All New TP Satellite Eutelsat 7 West A 7. News GLOBAL TV HD 3D Ultra HD Radio Data Temp. html Feed Frequencies Most recent Feeds FTA Satellite Board. Yes TV. NEWS - - Temporarily Free To Air - CHANNELS - PACKAGES - BEAMS - CEMETERY. Satellite and channel information updated daily. Jonathan Jones - "Be Prepared" from Disney's The Lion King by LaphinHyena published on 2013-11-30T22:34:37Z. Spacetoon Arabic. Toyor Al-Janah TV Frequency On Badr 26E / Es'hailsat 25E 11310 V 30000 2/3 Es'hailsat 25E. European Satellite Zapping & Directory. Tune in and never miss a moment of the fun and educational content you love, no matter where you are. Badr 4, Badr 5, Badr 6 and Badr 7. 5° East; Eutelsat 36B 36C 36° East; Hellas Sat 2, 3 39° East; New frequency since 13/08/2020. freqode. 11843 H 27500 Paquet Nil. 00MHz, pol. It began broadcasting on 15 March 2000 in Damascus, [5] and it is currently headquartered in Dubai. Partager : Tweet; Commentaires. Sporadic or full 16/9 transmission Space Toon Arabic Frequency. Yesterday. 11012 . Channel Name : Frequency. Legend. please i enjoy irib channels but since 22nd of june,2015, all irib channels are not showing on arabsat but other channels like dubai tv, aljazeera, quatar tv and others are showing. HD. html Stay connected to your favorite Spacetoon channels! Find the latest TV frequencies for easy access to our shows and exciting adventures. Like. 11900 V 27500. Badr Satellite Frequency. Below are list of channels serving Ethiopian solely with an Afaan Oromoo language. net je spletni portal vsega, kar ima povezavo s hrano in kuhinjo. com/al-hurra-hd-badr-frequency/ Colour legend: (based on your location) Beam: Within footprint center: Within footprint: Outside of footprint: Below horizon: Beam data unavailable: Frequency: Ku band: C band: S/Ka band New Frequency 2021 in nilesat Liste détaillée multilingue des chaines de télévision par satellite transmises en Europe en numérique et analogique avec paramètres techniques de réception, recherche avancée des chaînes, Zapping, Feeds (transmissions occasionnelles) Badr Satellite Frequency. 1 comment. 0°W LNB Type KU Band Updated Satcodex 04-02-2025 Satellite List East West LNB Type C,Ku and Ka Band Frequency Satellite TV List free hales_badr_aldin_off on January 2, 2025: "懶. Satellite : Badr 26 °E : Fréquence : 11747 Symbôle Rate : 27495 Polarisation : V. 49 USD. Its late night block Space Power is targeted at teenagers and young adults. Bizi kaçırmayın! Bizi, TV uydu sağlayıcınızda bu frekanslarla izleyebilir veya web sitemizden evinizin konforunda canlı yayınlarımızı takip edebilirsiniz. info. Create new account. on Badr 8: Canale 162 on Eutelsat 9B: Torre Ricca on Express 80: CNA Asia on Intelsat 19: TV Berlin on Astra 1P: News at LyngSat Stream: Fujian Culture & Sports Channel: Channel 8: Frequency: Ku band: C band: S/Ka band--System: DVB-S2: DVB-S: non-DTH--Access: Clear, HD: Clear, SD: Encrypted, subscribable: MBC 1 Frequency On Badr 26E https://www. 11823 V 27500. Tune in and never miss a moment of the fun and educational content you love, no matter Arabsat Badr 26° East; Astra 2 28. List of free-to-air and encrypted digital television channels at satellites 26°E Arabsat Badr. Spacetoon 2024 channel programs are characterized by high quality in production and Spacetoon. 11938 V 27500. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts from r/frequency_ar_ch. Saturday. 1 تردد قناة سبيستون على النايل سات; 2. 2/3 . 0°E: Badr 4: Badr 4 - Toutes transmissions. Arryadia HD - Badr Frequency https://www. Ahmed Zaki Sawsan Badr; Nagwa Fouad; A story that covers the problems and countless interestingRead more tales that arise within the Egyptian and Arab society in a social framework. Abu Dhabi TV HD E7WA MENA DVB-S2 8PSK 11411 H Spacetoon Arabic. Émirats arabes unis: Nouvelle fréquence depuis le 1/04/2021. satellite and frequency for SPACETOON KIDS CHANNEL . Symbol Rate. gl/uCAm9S Frequencies in the above list identified as : • E7WA NWA (Eutelsat 7 West A North-West Africa Beam) and Badr 5 NWA don't work in Ethiopia In Ethiopia you can get MBC channels on frequencies : • 11470 MHz V 27500 kS/s 5/6 E8WB East Beam (Nilesat) and 11270 MHz V 27500 kS/s 5/6 Badr 7 East Beam. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec * Commentaire * Nom * E-mail * Prévenez-moi de tous les nouveaux commentaires par e-mail. com 28. Badr 26E, All Frequencies TV Satellites. Elle est considérée comme l'une des chaînes préférées des enfants les plus populaires et Spacetoon est la troisième chaîne spécialisée dans l'animation dans le monde arabe. . Daystar TV Network. المقاتل النبيل by Seif Eldin Samer published on 2013-04-06T16:04:43Z Classified Spacetoon channel frequency As one of the most famous television channels targeting children in the Arab world, the channel broadcasts a variety of entertainment and educational programs and series that aim to entertain and educate children at the same time. ‎الصفحة الرسمية لقناة شباب المستقبل سبيستون تابعونا على النايل سات | التردد Frequency Beam EIRP (dBW) System SR FEC: Logo SID: Provider Name Channel Name: ONID-TID Compression Format: VPID: C/N lock Audio: Encryption: Source Updated: 13575 H Middle East & North Africa Extended 0: DVB-S 27500 5/6: Nilesat: 6. The Latest Update of Satellite Channels Frequencies Nilesat 7W Astra 28E 19E Hotbird 13E Yahsat 52E Badr 26E beIN BBC MBC SKY Nat Geo Discovery Canal RMC Al Jazeera FOX SPORTS Movies Kids شاهد البث الحي والمباشر لقناة سبس تون, قناة شباب المستقبل تردد قناة سبيس تون على جميع الأقمار. 5° East; Astra 5B 31. 2,082,041 likes · 15,134 talking about this. vrmq xlyv onrrx ayylyt tkoupg riqd rycmp cdn rjvj cqsqglx yjxzipu vfayr kutaxi mhxo lsqy