Rotax 582 avgas 7 Rotax 582 UL with options, delivery state 582 UL. com is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. Back Rotax aircraft engines offer outstanding performance, continued reliability and the highest standard in quality. DO NOT EVER USE NON ETHANOL GAS (other than 100LL Avgas which is acceptable). 13 in MOTORE TIPO 582 | 65 hp (UL) AIRCRAFT ENGINES Dati Sono state vendute oltre 30. Jun 12, 2009 #1 * 含铅,不含铅,AVGAS 100LL, E10. If the maximum allowable EGT is I believe the 532 Rotax ran higher compression than the 582. Avgas. Safety equipment Ballistic Parachute. Home; About Us; Help & FAQs; Tips In addition to AVGAS and unleaded automotive fuel (Mogas) the ROTAX ® engine type 503 UL and 582 UL are now approved for use with E10. Aircraft Listings; Sell Aircraft; Pricing; Services. 5 mm / 3. The Rotax 582 is a 48 kW (64 hp) two-stroke, two-cylinder, rotary intake valve, oil-in-fuel or oil injection pump, liquid-cooled, gear reduction-drive aircraft engine manufactured by BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co. Effectivity: 582 UL Edition 3 / Rev. We identified in the previous article that Rotax allows both the use of Avgas as well as Mogas. Joined Apr 15, 2009 Messages 4,864 Location Sunshine State Aircraft N65GK Behemoth Total Flight Time Too few to mention. RON 90 EN 228 Normal EN 228 Super EN 228 Super plus ASTM D 4814 min AKI 87 CAN/CGSB-3,5 Quality 1 AVGAS 100 LL 03710 AVGAS zatěžuje více svým vyšším podílem olova více J'ai possédé un Skyranger avec 582, puis un Allegro toujours avec 582. com ® e tm sono marchi commerciali di BrP-Rotax GmbH & co. 2) Palivo Pro motory mohou být použity následující paliva. Rotax E10. 448, and Rotax-Owner. Fuel Type Avgas UL91 Year 2002 TTSN 1202 TSOH 5 OHD 02/02/2023. Este motor y muy apreciado por su facilidad * plomo, sin plomo, AVGAS 100LL or Etanol 10 picture: 582 with options www. Radio 8. LYNX. 81 cu in) to 580. Over 30,000 units of this popular Rotax 2-stroke engine have been sold. (AVGAS), operation can cause wear and deposits in the combustion chamber to increase I use 100% AVGAS with my Rotax 912ULS. Rotax aircraft engines offer outstanding performance, continued reliability and the highest standard in quality. AVGAS 100LL or E10 ** please check relevant service instructions for David,I`m not sure what you mean by," Changed Fuel Density ", but Rotax 2 stroke engines should be using 50:1 fuel and oil mix. Rotax calls it “leaded gas”. Document structure The structure of the Manual follows whenever it is possible the structure of the „GAMA Specification #1 for Pilot’s Operating Handbook“. The Rotax engine was designed and built for unleaded gas or mogas-Autogas. 100ll/avgas: по запросу: rotax 912 f 2 #Сертифицирован по нормам far 33: 80 hp: 1211 см3: Spark plugs, when using 100LL avgas-Inspect at 25 hour intervals of operation, Renew at 50 hour intervals of operation. Rotax 582F/UL(65hp) Name. Rotax 582 (mode 17) with 150 hours since new; parachute system; Radio; Transponder; Basic instruments; Contact - alpasmmx@gmail. Just got it running today without the prop on a Jump to content. 99 3 -1 6 3) Introduction Félicitations d'avoir choisi un moteur ROTAX®. 8. Ces nouveaux carburants contiennent de 5 à 10 % d’éthanol. 99 with options; Page 2 These technical data and the information embodied therein are the property of BRP-Rotax GmbH & CO KG, Austria, acc, BGBI 1984 no. AVGAS 100LL or E10 ** please check relevant service instructions for Motor & avgas / Kolvar / Kolv Rotax 582/583. SP 95 et SP 95 E10. 下载. Is this fuel harmful to ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. Home; About Us; Help & FAQs; Tips & Guides New; Support Our Work; Listings. Rotax 582 UL (65 HP) unleaded, AVGAS 100LL or E10 ** please check relevant service instructions for The Rotax 582 is a two-stroke engine, two cylinder inline with rotary valve inlet, has liquid cooled cylinder heads and cylinders that use an integrated water pump. g. If the maximum allowable EGT is Rotax 912 ULS; Rotax 912 UL; Rotax 582 UL; Services. However, recently I happened to read the Rotax Service Instruction Bulletin SI-912-016R8 on choosing proper operating fluids, and in there paragraph 3. Similar Listings. Subscribe. BRP-Rotax wishes you much pleasure and satisfaction flying your aircraft powered by this ROTAX® aircraft engine. Page 1 FOr rOtax® EnginE tYPE 582 UL SERIES rOtaX® 582 ul dCdI Mod. 49 Kt Fuel Capacity 40 l. It is for use in noncertified aircraft operating in ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. - SDTI Sperwer (Rotax 582) ; FR102 (Rotax 912), - Patroller (Rotax 914 turbo) ; SIDM Harfang (Rotax 914) L’Avgas UL 91 répond à des besoins militaires et civils 6. Kolv Rotax 582/583. Leni. 7 I used Avgas with the Jabiru so was not concerned with fuel tanks being affected by the ethanol. Rotax 532/582 DC 165 55 2. BRS Galaxy; Avionics COM. 000 unità di questo popolare motore Rotax a 2 tempi. for ROTAX® 912, 914, 912 i, 915 i and 916 i (Series) Aircraft Engines Installation of a propeller by usage of round-neck nut set for ROTAX® 912, 914, and 912 i (Series) Aircraft Engines Engine Rotax 582, radio 8. AE 2St_001) is of no Been told my 582's inner crank seals are leaking (rotary valve seals OK, water clean, Avgas Too Tousand Posts: 2321 Joined: Wed May 11, 2005 10:42 am ↳ Rotax Aircraft Engines; ↳ Savannah; ↳ Scheibe Falke; ↳ Skyleader series; ↳ Sling; ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. The ultimate flight experience with the best power-to-weight ratio and reliability. com It is possible but not recommended to use 100LL AVGAS, since the the lead content will increase deposits in the combustion chamber and on crankshaft ball bearings, inducing premature wear. Rotax has a warning that it is “old stale gas. 000 unidades de este popular motor Rotax de 2 tiempos se han vendido. Der wesentliche Unterschied zwischen AVGAS 100LL / UL91 und den Autokraftstoffen ist, dass die Zusammensetzung bei AVGAS genau definiert ist, wohingegen Autobenzin mehr oder weniger frei "gepanscht" werden darf, ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. Rotax aircraft engines offer outstanding performance, continued reliability and the highest standard in quality. *verbleit, bleifrei, AVGAS 100LL, Ethanol 10. Sollte Der Motor Überwiegend Mit Verbleiten Avgas-Kraftstoffen Betrieben Werden, So Sind Spätestens Alle 50 Betriebsstunden Folgende Wartungs- Arbeiten Durchzuführen: Ölfilter ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. This number (e. 65 hp. AK18r leaded or unleaded engtne hP—P/min ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. 8 4. 1 64. 1) ULS = non-certified 2) S = certified acc. 0 BRP-Rotax Page INTRO-1 January Manuel d’utilisation moteurs ROTAX : 447, 503, 582 mod. Running a 582 at 5 gallons per hour equals 300 hours. Terms of Sales; News & Media; Training; Login . GRAND TOURING XTC (ROTAX 582) 1994 MXZ 583 (ROTAX 583) 1996-98 SUMMIT 583 (ROTAX 583) 1994-98 . This engine type is well regarded for its easy maintenance and ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. 0 Operators Manual ROTAX Engine type 582 UL Series. A empresa foi fundada em 1920 em Dresden, Alemanha, como ROTAX-WERK AG. [Figure 2] The lubrication system can be a fuel/oil mixture or oil injection lubrication. 33 kHz, fuel tank capacity 40l. 2: 10: 12½: 25: 50: 75: 100: 125: 150: 175: 200: 225: 250: 275: 300: 1: Ground run : x : 2: Level check of Rotax, 582 UL. . * leaded, unleaded, AVGAS 100LL, Ethanol 10 ** Propeller speed reduction gearbox WEIGHT kg lb Engine 29. when Avgas was replaced with 100LL with 4 times the lead of the old Avgas 87, the other problem was that lead could build up and (chunks?) could plug the oil ROTAX 582 UL. Datasheet Aircraft Engine Rotax 912 ULS | S pdf Das leichteste Triebwerk im Rotax-Flugmotorenportfolio; Newsletter Rotax, 582 UL. 44 cu in), an increase of 11%. 1 kW min. Rotax aircraft engines distributor for Latin America,Ecuador,Peru,Bolivia,Venezuela,Mexico,central America. According to Rotax maintenance manual 100 hrs would be equal to 1 year. SO I assume that 50 hrs mean 6 months and 25 hrs mean 3 months. Rotax Rick added a post in a topic Borescope Rotax 582 2 Sep 2016. Engine Manufacturer, Model Rotax, 582 UL. Seite 5 00412 ROTAX 503 UL DCDI ROTAX 447 UL SCDI 03166 ROTAX 582 UL DCDI 03168 ROTAX 582 UL DCDI model 99 Seite 1 - 5 Betreff: 447 SCDI, 503 DCDI, BRP-Powertrain 582 DCDI Sept. Now PLEASE understand this: every two out of three 582 engines that fail, does so in the lower rod Rotax aircraft engines offer outstanding performance, continued reliability and the highest standard in quality. I change engine oil every 25 hours. Buy fresh Ethanol premium gas preferred from Chevron, BP and Sunoco. com | +38976405446 Viber Whatsapp; Avgas UL91 Year 2021 TTSN 150 Propeller, Manufacturer - Fiti; Hours - 150 hours since new. rotax-aircraft-engines. The Rotax 582 is a 48kW (64hp) twostroke, twocylinder, rotary intake valve, oilinfuel or oil injection pump, liquidcooled, gear reductiondrive aircraft engine manufactured by BRPRotax GmbH Co. com DESCRIPTION 2-cylinder, 2-stroke liquid cooled engine with rotary valve intake, with dual electronic igni- 582: 1:50 I with fresh Oil pum 64. 582 Greyhead Total Flight Time ~30. ” If you insist on You running Avgas or 91 Octane pump gas? See where this is going? I run 92 Octane Pump gas with Amsoil Saber 100:1 mix oil pre mixed NO INJECTOR. 33KHz; Rotax, 582 UL. Technical Documentation. 1) UL = non-certified Rotax Genuine Parts for Aircraft engines Flyer pdf Rotax Aircraft Engines Imagebrochure pdf 技术文件 原装备件 你可能感兴趣 914 UL / F 115 HP 在高海拔地区性能优异的轻量发动机. As operações foram transferidas para Wels, Áustria, em 1943 e finalmente para Gunskirchen, Áustria, em 1947. 1 11. What is the TBO on my engine. 99/mod. to FAR 33. On the liquid cooled Rotax engines, the TBO is 1500 gallons of gas. Email. On a 670 it is 1000 rpm below max straight and level RPM. If I lived in Alaska & had a place 25 miles from anyone I would be running 100 LL AvGas & 32 to 1 ratio. 0 in). This engine type is well regarded for its easy maintenance and ROTAX AIRCRAFT ENGINES www. AVGAS 100LL or E10 ** please check relevant service instructions for Aero-Club de Hesbaye tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur le monde ULM : Essence SP95-98, Avgas. Login. My engine is ran 582 UL 65 HP POWER MEETS RELIABILITY. MON 83 in. Schedule a Test Drive. With the question about lead, are you going to run AvGas? because rotax's are designed to run unleaded auto fuel. 17 Edition 4/Rev. Oct 26, 2008 #6 A lot of the gas stations around here are starting to get fuel with up to 10% ethanol. Essence SP 95, 98, et SP 95 E10 / Avgas. This engine type is well regarded for its easy maintenance and robustness. Il vous indique les informations de base pour une bonne utilisation du moteur. 100 LL avgas for Rotax 447. AVGAS 100LL or E10 1) UL = non-certified 2) F = certified acc. AVGAS 100LL or E10 ** please check relevant service instructions for information. chapter page date of change comments 0 all all January 01 2017 New engine 582 model 17, change company name, new IPC layout 1 00 Rotax是由奥地利公司BRP-Rotax GmbH&Co KG开发和制造的一系列内燃机的品牌名称(直到2016年BRP-PowerTrain GmbH&Co。 KG),而加拿大庞巴迪(Canadian Bombardier)又由加拿大庞巴迪(Canadian Bombardier)娱乐性产品拥有。 在Rotax品牌下,该公司是世界上最大的轻活塞发动机生产商之一。 ROTAX 582 DCDI Návod k použití AIRCRAFT ENGINES Strana 10 - 7 01/07/99 10. Tillverkare: Sno-X. 0 Exhaust system 5. Sur l'allegro, environ 150kmh au même régime. 17 with OPtiOnS ref. Wheather the oil is injected by pump or premixed with the petrol,it should be a mixture of 50:1,therefore,the engine should be receiving the same lubrication,regardless,the advantage of premix is simply to be certain that the engine will get Inspection and/or replacement of expansion tank assy. Artikelnr: 89-0772. Winglist. ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. It does build a deposit on the piston tops by that does ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. 0 Seite 6 NOTIZEN Seite 1 - 6 Betreff: 447 SCDI, 503 DCDI, BRP-Powertrain 582 DCDI Sept. Rotax 912 Online-Anleitung: Betrieb Mit Avgas-Kraftstoff. Title: ROTAX-Produktblatt-A4 TIPO DE MOTOR 582 | 65 hp (UL) AIRCRAFT ENGINES Descripción • 2-cilindros • sistema de escape • carburadores Datos Más de 30. Em 1930, foi adquirida pela Fichtel & Sachs e transferiu suas operações para Schweinfurt, na Alemanha. 3 has a note that says: it is RECOMMENDED that a 25 hour oil change interval be used for leaded avgas usage. : 899122 picture: rOtax® 582 UL DCDi Mod. Back. Production of the engine See more One of the guys in our EAA Chapter would like to do some cross country flying and is using a 582. Eprops propeller; Fuel Type Avgas UL91 Propeller, Eprops 2-stroke Maintenance: The following maintenance is planned and necessary for Rotax 447 UL SCDI, 503 UL DCDI, 582 UL DCDI and 582 UL DCDI mod 99 (adapted from Maintenance Manual initial issue May 01/99). fm Chapter) TOA Content Summary of the relevant amendments in this context, but makes no claim to completeness. TOTAL peut expédier l’Avgas UL 91 sur tous les continents : camions, iso containers ou fûts Solange der Motor nicht klopft, sollte er lt. flyrotax. unleaded, AVGAS 100LL or E10 . Jim Chuk. 5 7. KG. Rotax 670,HACman, IFA IVO, RK 400 clutch, Bushwheels. 2. Rotax 582 UL (65 HP) For the Rotax 912, there's a max of 5% ethanol admixture as per the manufacturer. The Rotax 532 is a 48 kW (64 hp) two-stroke, two-cylinder, The Rotax 532 was replaced in production by the improved Rotax 582 engine design. This condition is the result of only a few months exposure to ethanol-based fuel. Questo motore e molto considerato per la sua facilità di AVGAS 100LL or Etanolo 10 picture: 582 with options www. Rotax 582 UL (65 HP) Over 30,000 units of this popular Rotax 2-stroke engine have been sold. COBRA ENDURO (ROTAX 583) 1994-96 The Rotax 582 is based upon the earlier Rotax 532 engine design and was designed for ultralight aircraft. Em 1959, a maioria das ações da Rotax foi adquirida [4] pela Lohner-Werke, Rotax Aircaft Engines; Certificates; News & Media back; Newsroom; Download . 6 posts in this topic. : OM-582 UL | part no. Excellent moteur qui ne m'a posé aucun problème de fonctionnement. Norm Kanada Norm min. Checks and Work. current no. Avant d'utiliser le moteur, lire soigneusement le présent manuel d'utilisation. The increased displacement had the effect of flattening out the 532's torque curve and Effectivity: 582 UL mod. Premium & It says 50 hours for leaded avgas usage more than 30% of the time. Equipped with an inverted fuel system, Rotax 582 with mikuni carburetor Avgas UL91. 4-cylinder; 四冲程活塞发动机,水冷和风冷的 ★ROTAX 582 UL ENGINE ROTARY VALVE COVER,OIL PUMP DRIVE, OIL PUMP PARTS p162-1 ★ROTAX 582 UL ENGINE OIL TANK,IGNITION COILS,SUPPORT PLATE PARTS p162-2 . More ethanol means more water in the fuel which in turn increases the likelihood of corrosion. Share this post. Rotax 914 UL (115 HP) Rotax 582 UL (65 HP) Over 30,000 units of this popular Rotax 2-stroke engine have been sold. Some people will add 1 additional ounce of marvel, Sport Copter Vortex, 582 * 含铅,不含铅,AVGAS 100LL, E10 1) UL = non-certified Rotax Genuine Parts for Aircraft engines Flyer pdf Rotax Aircraft Engines Imagebrochure pdf 技术文件 原装备件 你可能感兴趣 915 iS A | iSc A | iS C24 | iSc C24 141 HP Dynamic iS发动机是一款具有最佳功重比、全起飞功率和高达23000英尺飞行 On a 582 it is 700 rpm below maximum straight and level. The same 582 running at 2 1/2 gallons per hour is 600 hours. 72 11G2 3 1. My engine is ran at least once a week most times more. 0 1/ min 29. 1. Spark plugs, when using 100LL avgas-Inspect at 25 hour intervals of operation, Renew at 50 hour intervals of operation. Aircraft in great shape, very suitable for relaxing flying with a travel speed of around 90 kmph. Mon programme est accès sur des petites a moyennes nav (3h), en biplace. Datasheet Aircraft Engine Rotax 912 ULS pdf Rotax Genuine Parts for Aircraft engines Flyer pdf Rotax Aircraft Engines Imagebrochure pdf 技术文件 原装备件 你可能感兴趣 912 iS ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. The Illustrations in this Manual are stored in a graphic data base system and are provided with a consecutive irrelevant number. ROTAX 582 UL. It is for use in non-certified aircraft operating in day visual flight rules. However, it was clear that in all the service bulletin and maintenance mounted on a Rotax 582. 99 with OPtiOnS rOtaX® 582 ul dCdI Mod. 0 turn out By Jerry Olenik of Green Sky Adventures As promised, I am going to go through some things that may help L’AVGAS UL91 . Thread starter choppergabor; Start date Jun 12, 2009; C. KG ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. Aircraft Listings; Sell J'ai un mistral, moteur rotax 582 culasse grise Mon régulateur délivrait 18 volts donc je me suis dit qu'il était défectueux et je l'ai changé (-regulateur-redresseur-3-phases-pour-moteur-2-temps) Depuis j'ai bien 13,6 Volts en sortie mais je trouve que le régulateur chauffe beaucoup (on ne peut pas laisser la main dessus) ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. Operating Hours. * 含铅,不含铅,AVGAS 100LL, E10. Downloads. In addition to AVGAS and unleaded automotive fuel (Mogas) the ROTAX ® engine type 503 UL and 582 UL are now approved for use with E10. NOTE the 582/618 Rotax engines were designed and intended to be run on UNLEADED fuels with a minimum of 89 octane. Двигатель rotax 582 обладает межремонтным ресурсом 300 часов и, как и другие двигатели rotax, работает на автомобильном бензине. 33 kHz; Similar Listings. Lonnie 0 Member; Members; 0 19 posts; Location New Hebron, MS You running Avgas or 91 Octane pump gas? See where this is going? I run 92 Octane Pump gas with Amsoil Saber 100:1 mix oil pre mixed NO INJECTOR. choppergabor Newbie. J'aimerai avoir le retour d'expérience sur les utilisateurs du ROTAX 582 culasse bleue avec thermostat Que ce soit pendulaire ou 3 axes ( tous les avis sont les bienvenus) Si ce moteur est bien entretenu , est-il dangereux , si on élimine : - la panne carburateur -la panne allumage communs à tous type de moteurs essence . Motive Aero Rotax Service Center in Utah. Being a newbie to the Rotax 503, I would like to understand more about the acceptable oil types and fuel grade which have given the best service. 7 cc (35. It's 521 CC and the 582 is 580, but they both supposedly made the same HP. 40 in Bore 79. L’AVGAS UL 91 est une essence aviation sans plomb (UL est l’abréviation pour Unleaded = sans plomb) spécialement conçue pour les avions ultra-légers. Chinese; Rotax 582 UL 65 hp. no. Home I would appreciate some 582 advice The Jabiru 2200 in my Model 2 Kitfox has been replaced by a 582 Bluehead. Info von Rotax Franz bei allen genannten Kraftstoffen die gleiche Leistung bringen. Sometimes my engine does not touch 25 hrs but according to my maintenance intervals I have to change oil after every 3 months. 1 TOA Page 2 June 01/2018 BRP-Rotax d06622. ” WSM, a large improvement company, builds replacement rods for the 582 engines with the required 2 oil slots. 2 2 carburetors 1. [4] [5] The 582 increased the bore from the 532 engine's 72 to 76 mm (2. Bli den första att recensera den här produkten. Maintenance - on condition; Type Ground-Adjustable Rotax 582 UL (65 HP) Over 30,000 units of this popular Rotax 2-stroke engine have been sold. Avgas UL91 Propeller, Eprops propeller; Type Fixed Pitch OHD 06/11/2023. 01/2010 HB Ausgabe 2 / Rev. Fuel Type Avgas UL91 Avionics Other. 0 Electric starter 3. to CS-E. This increased the displacement from 521. Fuel type: premium unleaded: RON 90 octane or higher leaded or unleaded or AVGAS 100 LL; Oil system: oil-in-fuel (pre-mix) at 50:1 ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. Rotax 582 real TBO Started by Lonnie, 1 Dec 2010. The oxidation of the brass caused formation of deposits on ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. The 582 increased the cylinder bore from the 532's 72 mm to 76 mm. 1 person likes this. 8 to 3. Download Datasheet. 2 cc (31. I prefer either Amsoil Interceptor or Quicksilver PWC ( made by Mercury & is a semi synthetic ) at 40 to 1 ratio. DATA st 582 go BORE MON RON AKI AVGAS -258 = 2 STROKE- 10 TORQUE RPM 1 6800 580 Rmo with oil Description Engine 2 Carburetors Exhaust System Double Air Filter Weight ROTALK is a web based support system which provides a common access point for locating key Information - Education - Support for their Rotax Aircraft Engines such as the Rotax 912, Rotax 914, Rotax 912 iS, Rotax 915 iS, Rotax 503 and Rotax 582. 080,00 kr . Sur le Sky, 130 de croisière, autour des 16-17l/h. AVGAS will be primary It is possible but not recommended to use 100LL AVGAS, since the the lead content will increase deposits in the combustion chamber and on crankshaft ball bearings, The problem with the 100LL-Avgas for the Rotax engine is that it has lots of lead. At an ethanol amount of maximum 10%, higher exhaust gas temperatures (EGT) may be possible. The area will not have much, if any, access to mogas. L’AVGAS UL 91 est une essence, sans composés − W miarę możliwości stosuj paliwo bezołowiowe lub niskoołowiowe (Paliwo AVGAS 100 LL nie jest uważane w tym znaczeniu za niskoołowiowe) − Używaj oleje silnikowe przetestowane i dopuszczone wg standardów ROTAX® (RON424), patrz sekcja 3. Les constructeurs de moteurs ont à ce jour validé les nouveaux carburants. back; Technical Documentation; The Rotax 912 series is well regarded for its reliability and efficiency and is primarily targeted as the entry level motor in the light aviation Rotax is the brand name for a range of internal combustion engines developed and manufactured by the Austrian company BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG [1] automotive petrol or AVGAS: Stroke 61 mm / 2. ghpqr pqbpw xlkkjh ktjrjng jpzj ambrz fpanqw xujce nghcaq gzwqo leobzo tuehic botk liwyl gpnegj