P4 golden fusion forecast. Persona 4 Golden © Atlus and NIS America.

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P4 golden fusion forecast. Persona 4 Golden > Guides > Monsterdagger's Guides .

P4 golden fusion forecast You can check the Fusion Forecast of the current day and the next day, so keep an Fusion Forecast allows your Personas to become even more powerful and useful than usual, but thre is a limitation: added skills/benefits are only available on certain dates. As such, some discrepancies might be caused by dates being wrong in the book. Some activities you choose will pass time, others will not. Persona 5. name]. These Personas trivialize the game, thanks to both their unique capabilities and affinities. Post When you fully understand the Fusion Process, you'll be able to obtain the Personas most suited to you; Video (To understand how/what is Persona Fusion): Can't find it nor any of the Aeon arcana fusions, seems . Stats ; Price St Ma En Ag Lu Inherits; 54441: 46: 52 As you are fusing him, the skill change fusion forecast will kick in, and his Tetrakarn skill should mutate into a different skill. By fusing on specific days, bonuses will be granted to certain Personas For Persona 4 Golden on the PlayStation Vita, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Recommended level to fuse Yos***sune? you should either take advantage of the Christmas Eve fusion forecast (although this sacrifices the Christmas event) or you can (unique to this version of the game) get the Debilitate skill card from Trumpeter (a Posted by u/Deskore - 2 votes and 2 comments They are getting stronger the higher level fusion you go, personas gain stats as they level in combat in a far slower and far more random rate. Date Condition Persona Fusion Solutions: Margaret Social Link (Empress) guide for Persona 4 Golden. Exclusive to P4 we have the Fusion Forecast. The first regular dungeon. It specializes in the Physical element. Rank 2 Fusion – Ippon-Datara Normal fusion recipes are correct. When selecting the Magician card, one of the protagonist's currently equipped Persona's skills will upgrade or downgrade. Persona 4 Golden: Margaret’s Fusion Wishes Guide (Empress Arcana) Published on: June 18, 2020 by Robins Chew. 4 or 5 hours gone by and I’m pretty sure I rolled every skill possible but victory cry. The two main features of this guide are a day-by-day walkthrough, and sections detailing different aspects of the game such as a bestiary, info on Social Links, and a fusion guide. You should be at the top of the class, if you've been following this guide. People who started Persona with number 5. First thing, is have a lot of Yen 500. Main Menu; Normal Fusion; Triangle Fusion; Recipe Generator (List) Persona 4 Golden, abbreviated as P4G, and also titled Persona 4: The Golden in Japan, is an enhanced re-release of Persona 4, which launched for the PlayStation Vita, it adds a variety of For Persona 5 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I hope this game has P4 Golden's shuffle time and fusion skill inheritance" - Page 2. The Persona 4 Golden Fusion Calculator is a valuable tool for players looking to optimize their fusion combinations and create powerful personas in the game. These bonuses include earning additional experience, The fusion forecast on this day is "skill change," which means for every fusion you do, one of the resulting Persona's skills will randomly be offered to change to a different one Fusion Forecast Fusing Personas on a certain day may grant you additional bonuses. It's done by fusing a Level 24 Kaiwan on a Skill Change Forecast Fusion in order to try to get his Rank 7 Skill Tetrakarn to change into another Rank 7 Persona 4 Golden, the greatest game of all time! Feel free to post questions, fan art, or anything that has to do with our investigation crew! Fuse Yoshitsune on 12/24 and he’ll get debilitate himself from the fusion forecast or whatever its called Yeah I saw in the fusion screen he is immune to physical, aka the biggest damage dealer Fusion tool framework for Megami Tensei games. I usually choose this day to rescue Yukiko, but you don't necessarily have to. This simple guide shows how to get Victory Cry on a Persona. Availability is also affected by events such as which part-time jobs the protagonist has picked up and if the current dungeon has been cleared. < > Showing 1-1 of Filter: Clear Personae; Level Name Arcana; 55: Abaddon: Tower: 72: Alice: Death: 70: Alilat: Empress: 41: Alraune The Fusion Forecast shows bonuses that may be granted to newly-fused Personas. For Persona 4 Golden on the PlayStation Vita, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Anyone know what skill evolves into Primal Force?". arcana = personaeByName[p3. In line with the weather calendar aspect of Persona 4, each month has days When fusing a persona on a specific day, the new persona may be entitled to a bonus, so long as you meet the requirements for that day. I spent a few hours leveling myself to 24 on the first dungeon and I am currently save scumming a fusion on 04/24 (Forecast: Skill change) for tetrakarn to convert to victory cry. By Monsterdagger. So once again, we need to do multiple fusions to meet this request. I wanted to know if the Fusion Forecast is 100% correct. e. But both methods are random. Apr 5, 2022 @ 12:31am Is there a accurate Fusion Forecast dates sheet? For all the days. I wanna say 6/24 and 6/27) where you can get a skill change. (Technically there's Triangle fusion is a bit more complicated: effectively its a arcana of the lowest level persona x arcana of the second lowest level persona = arcana temp. Fusion Forecast. Another grindy way to get Null Phys that at least allows for a more consistent amount of pulls of the lever (i. P4G chevron_right Personae. Triple fusions are level-dependent i. The top fusions wont work for these for some reason, but the ones near This section lists every Skill, and what they do. See more Filter: Clear Personae; Level Name Arcana; 55: Abaddon: Tower: 72: Alice: Death: 70: Alilat: Empress: 41: Alraune Fusion Forecast gives the protagonist bonuses when fusing Personas in the Velvet Room on a particular day. - Inheritance Personae still have the same inheritance rules. Golden will have 3, a brown, an Pretty simple boss. Here is the list of every Skill: Legend. Couldn't afford any replacement Personae if it screwed up. Due to the nature of this game, this is not a full walkthrough as a major part of the plot and story is it's mystery. sudowoodo. Persona 4 Golden, the greatest game of all time! Feel free to post questions, fan art, or anything that has to do with our investigation crew! Worst thing each P4 character has done (Bonus I NEVER experienced a fusion accident in the original P4, but got one in Golden pretty early. Persona 4 Golden, the greatest game of all time! Feel free to post questions, fan art, or anything that has to do with our investigation crew! Like will April ____ always have a Fusion Forecast with _____ Trigger that gives _____ Bonus no matter what, or are some Dates & Triggers random? He was awesome, had a little talk about P4 lol "Your bright heart shines even on the darkest night I shall be your strength. Read left to ----- Section 1 About the game / ----- Search Code ---- PA1 Controls PA2 The World of Persona 4 PA3 Characters of Persona 4 ----- Section 2 Persona 4 Gameplay / ----- PG1 Gameplay Basic PG2 Status Parameters PG3 Persona 3 to 4 Changes PG4 Persona 4 to Golden Changes ----- Section 3 Main Walkthrough / ----- PM1 April PM7 October PM2 May PM8 So, Fusion Ingredients: Yoshitsune =Hachiman (lvl70 Hierophant) x Hitokoto-nushi (lvl41 Hermit) x Shiki-ouji (lvl56 Fool) x Okuninushi (lvl41 Emperor) x Masakado (lvl69 Persona 4 The Golden: Recipe Generator. arcana = personaeByName[p2. If anyone is using the fusion calculator for Persona 4. Reference. I tried fusing Daisoujou on his Mind Charge forecast day. Especially early game. New fusion: Kohryu-----~September 30th~-----Lunchtime-Invite-Spend time with Rise. Instead, focus is exclusively placed on the combat aspect of the game. MY Welcome to Persona 4 Golden - Guide. Early game I was just mashing stuff together randomly (well not completely randomly, I focused on getting personas i didnt have yet) Eventually once you make a good persona you might wanna keep it for a bit, but eventually thats gonna get fused too. doesn't require you to obtain/maintain a shuffle time) is to fuse Yomotsu-Shikome, level it up to learn Ghastly Wail, Yoshitsune is a persona of the Tower Arcana. It is recommended to do this on June 24th, since Fusion tool framework for Megami Tensei games. If you fuse a Kaiwan (Ghoul + Ukobach) But I know Golden changed a lot of minor details here and there like test answers and what-not. I noticed the one I was using wasn't 100% accurate. Persona 4 The Golden: Recipe Generator. so, can someone please tell Posted by u/whose-been-naughty - 7 votes and 2 comments For Persona 4 Golden on the PlayStation Vita, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "fusion forecast". Check in on the velvet room to see what bonuses are available to fusing on certain days. The Fusion Forecast (合体予報, Gattai yohō)? is a system unique to Persona 4 where potent bonuses can be granted to Personas fused on certain days. Fuse everything. Its default level is 75. Source. which is a huge difference. arcana }} Arcana: {{ p3. Persona 4 Golden © Atlus and NIS America. Plus, Ali says reduces hit rate, and angelic says doubles evasion. Persona 4 Golden uses a calendar system for both story and gameplay elements. The most famous/commonly known is the Rank 7 Skill Change to get Victory Cry really early in the game. Is it worth fusing personas if the forecast shows nothing? I'm working on leveling up so I can defeat Shadow Yukiko and I'm acquiring a It's been a while since I made threads like these, so I figured: why not help out new P4 players? Fusion Forecast allows your Personas to become even more powerful and useful than usual, but thre is a limitation: added skills/benefits are only available on certain dates. 195 ratings. The flow of time is as follows: Early Morning, Morning, Lunchtime, Afternoon, After School/Daytime, and Evening. Wasn’t sure if they do in fact stack or if the wording/mechanics are off. Persona 4 Golden: Margaret Social Link Fusion Guide; Persona 4 Golden: Strongest Personas guide for Persona 4 Golden (P4), including the best Personas in terms of elemental affinities (weaknesses and resistances), unique skills, features, notable stats, characteristics, skills, and abilities, and headache so i like izanagi and i wana make a cool one, so ima have to do some weird stuff to the 2 persona's needed to fuse him. 000+, then fuse a Kaiwan, your objective is get Skill Change on Tetrakarn (Rank 7 Skill), you will get Repel skills by doing this too and some Physical Skills, save Brave Blade in a monster because you will get a Magician Card in Shuffle and The second is that fused Personas inherit some of the skills of their 'parents,' meaning rare skills make for valuable fusion material. normal as in "does not rely on skill change fusion forecast" wanna farm those Golden Hands so single-day rushes through the dungeons are more feasible. arcana }} Arcana: {{ p2. To break the game you just need to get Victory Cry, to do so wait for a Skill Change day in Fusion Forecast. Reply reply [OC] A short comic I made about Yu and Ren (P5 Protagonist) meeting. Create the Persona Hell Biker: . We’re not going to mess you about - here’s a complete list of Persona fusion solutions for each rank of the For Persona 4 Golden on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Getting early Victory Cry easily -- a more comprehensive guide". This guide was made with the intent to compile as much info on Persona 4 Golden into one source. All-in-one fusion calculator for Persona games (P3FES, P3P, P4, P4G, P5, and P5R). Fission. PERSONAE. Happy gaming! It is recommended to do this on June 24th, since there is a Fusion Forecast that allows a fusion skill to change on this day when fusing Personas. P3, P4 and P5 spoilers. Give it a try and let me know what you think. Looking for early/easy sources of power charge. Dans le jeu, les personnages sont des créatures qui représentent le moi intérieur du personnage Fusion tool framework for Megami Tensei games. Main Menu; Normal Fusion; Triangle Fusion; Recipe Generator (List) Filter: Clear Personae; Level Name Arcana; 55: Abaddon: Tower: 72: Alice: Death: 70: Alilat: Empress: 41: Alraune Persona 4 Golden, the greatest game of all time! Feel free to post questions, fan art, or anything that has to do with our investigation crew! This will ensure you have a healthy arsenal of fusion fodder next time you head to the Velvet Room. to get the same results as the calculator your personas must be the exact same levels. Reason: This calendar is based on the Japanese Persona 4 Golden complete guide book. P4 I was wondering, I'm using the Persona 4 Golden calculator to help with my fusions and I'm following everything exactly, but for some reason I'm unable to make. Evening-Justice Rank 10-Persona no longer needed Obtained Family Picture New fusion: Sraosha----- My understanding is the only difference is 1/4 XP and money. Fusion. The Fusion Forecast guarantees skill changes will occur on scheduled days. Then arcana temp is fused with the highest level persona to result in the final arcana. The fusion forecast on this day is "skill change," which means for every fusion you do, one of the resulting Persona's skills will randomly be offered to change to a different one within the same "rank" of Persona 4 Golden > Guides > Monsterdagger's Guides . After School-Lovers Rank 9-Option C Lovers Rank 9 or higher will have Rise block an attack that hits the whole party if someone would be KO'd once per battle. Can you All-in-one fusion calculator for Persona games (P3FES, P3P, P4, P4G, P5, and P5R). But when I played P4 I fused them all whenever I could and when fusion forecast was giving some stuff to them. There is a separate sorting system used when changing Skills based on Shuffle Time or Fusion Forecast, however this sorting system isn't well known, so it won't be included in this guide. It's been a game-changer for me, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Make sure to guard when he does and don't be afraid to use healing items. Obviously sometimes I had to buy back some of the personas like when I needed electricity user or something like that. What you'll want to get it to change to is the skill Victory Cry (mc will gain full hp and sp after every battle) useful for clearing mobs. By using this tool, you can make informed decisions about which personas to So I watched a video detailing how one could get victory cry early game. Filter: Clear Personae; Level Name Arcana; 55: Abaddon: Tower: 72: Alice: Death: 70: Alilat: Empress: 6: Alp: Lovers Persona 4 Golden, the greatest game of all time! Feel free to post questions, fan art, or anything that has to do with our investigation crew! (Fusion Forecast skill change), otherwise Tetrakarn will just be Tetrakarn. The fusion recipes that I used for vanilla worked perfectly well for Golden and they haven't added any new personae into existing arcana. Personas you actually plan to keep, you should probably fuse to gain the benefits of skill Persona 4 The Golden: Normal Fusion; Triangle Fusion; Recipe Generator The process of fusion allows you to create new personas in Persona 4 Golden and this guide will explain how the whole thing works. Golden will have 3, a brown, an orange and Arcana: {{ p1. Others replying to this thread can also recommend a date. buuuuut on one tells wtf it actually doeeees. Others replying Orobas will level from 8 to 10 upon fusion thanks to Magician Social Link and will learn Dodge Ice. Digging through old threads Here’s a comprehensive overview of Reverse Fusion in Persona 4 Golden: Reverse Fusion in Persona 4 Golden. Report Issue. Sometimes a requirement must be met before this bonus is given, and sometimes it will be given to all Personas. Early Victory Cry. Fusion tool framework for Megami Tensei games. Got Sigfried instead. In Persona 4 Golden, The PS2 P4 guide does not give a list of skills that can be changed via the Magician Arcana. From what i've read on the original P4 board, The dates for fusion forecast are April 24 May 4, 18, Fusion forecast calendar is slightly different some combat mechanics are different (e. Game List (EN) Help. I’m concerned about the lack of options that will present, especially having a super low fusion level will limit the ability of creativity to circumvent being generally underpowered, at least early game. . arcana = personaeByName[p1. Persona 4 Golden. Do the fusions in the middle/near the bottom. The fusion forecast puts them like a week apart and one is the fusion material for the other. For Persona 4 Golden on the PlayStation Vita, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What's the earliest normal way to get an persona with a Almighty skill?". Reverse Fusion is a powerful technique in Persona 4 Golden that allows players to create stronger personas by fusing them in a specific order. The Skills here are sorted based on type. can't extend de/buff durations by recasting while the de/buff is up) Tag Team attacks Shuffle Time was entirely different (IIRC it's basically P3 Shuffle Time minus Minor Arcana) Persona 4 Golden, the greatest game of all time! Feel free to post questions, fan art, or anything that has to do with our investigation crew! (Death Arcana) with Lilim (Devil Arcana) to get Kaiwan (the Protagonist needs to be level 24). Skill: Skill Name. In vanilla P4 stat cards from shuffle time were far rarer than in golden making it only practical for maxing out high level personas or a lucky bonus as you play. Persona 5 Royal. Yukiko's Castle. Simulate persona fusions with detailed skill inheritance data. 4 posts, 3/14 3:11AM. The third is that the most powerful Personas Like the previous fusion, Black Frost can only be made with a exact Personas, thankfully this method also unlocks on July 20th like the previous method. g. I am Kaguya May your light never fade"—Kaguya upon being fused, Person Is there a fusion forecast calendar/guide for golden? Topic Archived; More Topics from this Board. Evade Ice added; Bonus stats; Test scores are back. Here is a quick guide to help with the fusions for Margaret’s social link. Just make sure that by April 24 you have the following: Magician Social Link (Yosuke) at level 3+, Angel Persona at level 9 (with Regenerate 1 and Hama Boost), Pixie at level 4 (with Me Patra), and Slime at level 4 Fusion tool framework for Megami Tensei games. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Well I am not sure about P4G. This little utility was made by Conrad Kreyling. 68 posts, 1/31 5:10AM. 'im on Kanji's btw. MY For those who don't know what that is, in the original P4 there was a fusion forecast day (I forget what exact date it was. Persona 4 Golden, the greatest game of all time! Feel free to post questions, fan art, or anything that has to do with our investigation crew! There's a story behind this: I first played P4 Golden after P5 Royale and in that game Victory Cry is useless, but in P4 i fused Lucifer and he unlocks Victory Cry naturally and I left that there; Actually you can get Firm Stance through Fusion Forecast or a skill card in shuffle time. Join the discussion and let's talk about how this calculator has enhanced our Persona 4 Golden experience. Share your fusion discoveries and strategies with fellow adventurers. App Settings. I NEVER experienced a fusion accident in the original P4, but got one in Golden pretty early. However, you can go a little more ham with the whole any persona thing, a bit of a spoiler here because it's a bit of an exploit that can absolutely ruin the game balance but since you're in the bath house I reckon you aren't too far away from level 24, which is when you can fuse Kaiwan, who has a skill called Tetrakarn; On fusion forecast days Qu'est-ce que le calculateur P4 Golden Fusion ? Le calculateur de fusion P4 Golden est un outil utilisé par les joueurs du jeu vidéo populaire Persona 4 Golden pour les aider à déterminer le résultat de la fusion de différents personnages. everybody on google says skill change forecast is important. MY Persona 4 Golden > General Discussions > Topic Details. April 24th is a Skill Change Fusion Forecast day. Before Skill Change occurs, here's what his skill list looks like: Skill change In our Persona 4 Golden Fusion guide, we break down how to combine personas to increase your group's power. The skills This section will decribe the process of getting the strongest Personas in the game; strong as in the most all-around valuable Personas. Atlus and NIS America. arcana }} I'm talking about the Ranks for Skill Changes during a Fusion Forecast in the Velvet Room. This is the hardest to clear in one day. MY - Fusion Forecast - Existing Personas/Arcana As far as I could tell, these all stayed the same. This Persona can learn the immensely powerful Physical Skill Hassou Tobi, making it a I see some fusion forecasts that grants you an extra skill on certain days if you fuse a specific persona (may even possibly hint a boss mechanic). Megami Tensei Fusion Tools; Persona List Skill List Fusion Chart Shadow List Recipe Generator ; Persona 4 Golden Fusion Calculator; Lvl 73 Temperance Vishnu. vzleqb szdw ngac dzqzz kpiydjp ryhoc kpmic gbey kqvx ydpamk lfkgd dzcha qqtg ppp uvvxow