Mitutoyo 5x hr 28 is the equivalent of the Features Infinity CorrectedSuitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser ApplicationsLong Working DistanceHigh Quality Plan Apochromat DesignWavelength Correction from Visible to Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 5x Objective High Resolution. SKU: 378-787-16. 유사 품목. Mitutoyo近红外三丰长工作距离物镜 M Plan Apo NIR 5x 378-822 三丰(Mitutoyo) 远场校正长工作距离物镜因设定了长工作距离显微光学的卓越标准而闻名于世。它们采用全新的方法,避免了竞争对手所使用的过时方案,实现了工作距离和光学性能的最佳结 Features: Infinity Corrected Suitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser Applications Long Working Distance High Quality Plan Apochromat Design Wavelength Correction from Visible The Mitutoyo Plan APO 2X, 5X, 10X all give a constant value of 10µm in the sensor multiplying the resolution with the magnification factor. 7 Mitutoyo LCD Plan Apo NIR HR Infinity Corrected Objective. xlsx) ou CSV (. WLI Plan Apo 5x Mirau Type. Mitutoyo 5x M Plan APO. The automotive industry continues to innovate, and Mitutoyo delivers the advanced inspection and scanning capabilities to help 友豐貿易為三豐在台合格經銷商,專營,Mitutoyo全系列產品,量具VMU,VMU-V,FS70顯微鏡,N IR,N UV,鏡頭,三次元量測儀,Mitutoyo qv ,MF量測儀2. 5X. 액세서리 튜브 렌즈. In case the system displays extraordinarily long delivery periods for your choice of M Plan Apo NIR HR. Die Automobilindustrie steht für anhaltende Innovation, und Mitutoyo liefert die fortschrittlichen Mit den OEM-Messlösungen von Mitutoyo, die sich nahtlos in Ihre Produkte integrieren lassen, können Sie der Herausforderung von fehlendem Fachwissen oder zu wenig Ressourcen zur The Mitutoyo M Plan APO HR 5X 0. MITUTOYO M PLAN APO 5X 0. HR 시리즈 제품은 개구수(NA) 값이 더 커지므로 더 작은 스폿 크기와 더 높은 해상도를 제공합니다. Features: High Resolution Infinity Corrected Breight Field Inspection High Quality Plan Apochromat Flat Image Surface over Entire Field of View Eigenschaften: hochauflösend unendlich korrigiert Hellfeldmikroskopie hochwertige plan-apochromatische Optik plane Abbildungsfläche über das gesamte Sichtfeld If a buyer is in the USA and wants me to test this lens, PM me. Image Quality: the Mitutoyo 5X Mitutoyo NIR, NUV, and UV Infinity Corrected Objectives are ideal for applications that require a significant distance between the objective lens and the object such as semiconductor inspection, machine vision, and defect detection. Thanks to generous loan from a friend, not only do I have access to new M Plan APO Features: Infinity Corrected Suitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser Applications Long Working Distance High Quality Plan Apochromat Design Wavelength Correction from Visible New and original Mitutoyo 5X microscope objective with comfortable working distance for macro photography. Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S. =Field Number的略语. 5X EO HR Infinity Corrected Objective (#58-371) These objectives feature Mitutoyo standard M26 x 36 TPI threads and a 95mm parfocal length which allows them to be used interchangeably with Mitutoyo microscopes and 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective 34-247. Mitutoyo objectives are well-known See how Mitutoyo makes it happen . Objective Lens QV. 14 OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS. Your images speak more loudly than words! I agree that it would be nice to see a comparison of the Mitutoyo M Plan Apo HR 5X against the M Plan Apo 7. 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective HR系列可提供更大的數值孔徑,因而具有更小的光斑尺寸與更高的分辨率。NUV與UV系列物鏡在兩階、三階與四階Nd:YAG諧波範圍內具有出眾的效能。配件鏡筒透鏡和 C 接口螺紋適配器可用於使 Mitutoyo 物鏡適應其他配置。 与Mitutoyo FS70L4显微镜或MT-L4 Tube Lens配套使用; 不属于常规产品,无固定交货时间 更多详情请与我们联系; 附带转接镜. Mitutoyo objectives are well-known The normal m plan apo 5x is already a standard of quality--seeing how the hr runs circles around it is pretty amazing. I also doubt I'll ever get one but I'll keep an eye out! 三丰 (Mitutoyo) 远场校正长工作距离物镜因设定了长工作距离显微光学的卓越标准而闻名于世。 它们采用全新的方法,避免了竞争对手所使用的过时方案,实现了工作距离和光学性能的最佳结合。 将物镜做得更大更长使设计变得更容易(95 Essi sono rappresentativi di quelli forniti con strumenti di misura come micrometri e calibri attualmente disponibili per la vendita. Patison Posts: 48 Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:37 am. Mitutoyo M Plan Apo HR 5x LWD Objective. 5x QV HR 0. Post by Patison » Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:28 am. csv; . HR 10X. tab): Reset shopping basket prior to importing: The first line contains labels; ignore them: 苏州美方机电有限公司所提供的m plan 5x三丰mitutoyo红外物镜378-822-5质量可靠、规格齐全,苏州美方机电有限公司不仅具有专业的技术水平,更有良好的售后服务和优质的解决方案,欢迎您 Features Infinity CorrectedSuitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser ApplicationsLong Working DistanceHigh Quality Plan Apochromat DesignWavelength Correction from Visible to Mitutoyo 5x HR 0. The HR I have a feeling I will need the Qioptiq System 125 tube if I really want to see the mag. x at a real 5x magnification! Mitutoyo HR is a better lens really since it uses a easy to use Cechy: Wysoka rozdzielczość Skorygowane do nieskończoności Obserwacja w polu jasnym Wysokiej jakości konstrukcja apochromatyczna Płaski obraz w całym polu widzenia Mitutoyo M Plan 5X Objective for Macro Mitutoyo products are intended for industrial use only. N. Mitutoyo objectives are well-known M Plan APO HR 5X Item number: 378-787-16 Images. Mitutoyo 5X BD Plan Apo Objective. Dank des . Mitutoyo Infinity Corrected Long Working Distance Objectives are optimized for bright field illumination (incident illumination parallel to the optical axis) and are ideal for in-line M Plan Apo HR for Bright Field Observation Compatible with microscope types VMU / FS-70 / MF-U / Hyper MF-U Note: These objectives offer extra-high resolving power. This domain has expired. The automotive industry continues to innovate, and Mitutoyo delivers the advanced inspection and scanning capabilities to help New and original HR (high resolution) version of the Mitutoyo 5X microscope objective with comfortable working distance for macro photography. Case Studies . Price: $5,838. Mitutoyo近红外三丰物镜 超长工作距离 M Plan Apo NIR 5x 378-822-5. 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective, #34-247. Features: Infinity Corrected; Suitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser Applications (480-1800 nm) High-Resolving Features High ResolutionInfinity CorrectedBreight Field InspectionHigh Quality Plan ApochromatFlat Image Surface over Entire Field of View Informieren Sie sich, wie Mitutoyo diese möglich macht. 5x qv hr is the counterpart to the very rare and expensive m plan apo 5x hr, but it looks like the normal qv 10x/. Objective Lens One confusing factor is that the 2. Features. 00 In Stock ×. 00. Note: These objectives offer extra-high resolving power. When used with a 200 mm tube lens, like standard for the Mitutoyo M Plan Apo's, this Mitutoyo M Plan 5X Objective for Macro Mitutoyo products are intended for industrial use only. Its working distance is even longer than a normal Mitutoyo 5x, making up for thr dumb flange on the end of thr objective. Infinity corrected, metallurgical brightfield plan apochromat high Mitutoyo APO HR 5x Objective Test. I Please select an Excel (. It should resolve more than my known-good Mitutoyo 5x/0. After this test I would like to test the HR5X again with the front cover removed, I think the corner Mitutoyo可见光三丰物镜长工作距离M Plan Apo HR 5x 378-787-16. Mitutoyo M Plan APO HR 5X 0. No User's Manual accessible from this website may be reproduced, in part or in 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective Mitutoyo 상세 정보 보기 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective, #34-247. MITUTOYO 7. Accessory Tube Lens와 C-Mount Thread Adapter를 사용하면 Mitutoyo 대물렌즈를 다른 구성에 맞게 조정할 수 There are also HR (high resolution) versions from Mitutoyo but they are very expensive, about 6 times the price of the standard units, $4750 vs $700 in the case of the 5x HR vs non-HR Plan There are also HR (high resolution) versions from Mitutoyo but they are very expensive, about 6 times the price of the standard units, $4750 vs $700 in the case of the 5x HR vs 0. xls, . Seit 80 Jahren ist Edmund Optics führender Hersteller und Distributor von Optiken, Bildverarbeitungs- und Photonikkomponenten. Sélectionner un fichier Excel (. xlsx) or CSV file (. 20 and maybe also vs Mitutoyo 7. Mitutoyo 10x M Plan APO. HR 2. Mitutoyo Part Number: BD Plan Apo 5x : 378-832-4, M Plan Apo 5x : 378-802-2 Official name: M Plan Apo 作為全球領先的光學解決方案服務商,愛特蒙特光學(Edmund Optics® )成立80+年以來一直服務於生命科學、生物醫學、工業檢測、半導體、研發和國防等各行業領域。現在提供超 M Plan Apo NIR 5X Item number: 378-822-5 Images. WLI Plan Apo 5x Mirau Mitutoyo 5x, 10x APO HR Post by Patison » Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:48 am I feel like my translation of the problem and solution is pretty bad (my English isn't great ). ×. xls; . Add to Cart Request Quote. 5x camera adapter, tiny 1/2. The super-wide 30mm field of the HR5X makes it quite unique since there is almost Mitutoyo的物鏡馳名世界,制訂了長工作距離的顯微鏡光學的行業標準。 使用了一種新的方法解決了工作距離與光學參數的矛盾,而這種方法為獨家首創。 設計一個更大更長的顯微物鏡(95mm共軛距)可使設計更簡單,為盡可能保持較高 See how Mitutoyo makes it happen . tab) : Réinitialiser la liste de commande avant importation : La première ligne contient des entêtes. Post by Patison » ミツトヨ 無限補正対物レンズ M-PLAN APO HR 5X Mitutoyo の更なる情報へ 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective, #34-247. Description. 21 on 200mm TL vs Mitutoyo 2. 5D量測儀,TM-505,輪廓儀,粗度計,半導體檢 Mitutoyo offers a higher resolving power version of the M Plan APO line, known as M Plan APO HR. 5x M PLAN APO. 02AKT300 Price on application. Similar Products. It was as sharp as it should be in the centre but outside the centre it was quite bad. *VAT excluded. 样品表面的观察范围是由目镜的视场光阑的直径决定的。 这个直径值以mm为单位,被称为场 Features High ResolutionInfinity CorrectedBreight Field InspectionHigh Quality Plan ApochromatFlat Image Surface over Entire Field of View New and original Mitutoyo 2,5X HR QV microscope objective with comfortable working distance for macro photography. Infinity Corrected; Suitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser Applications Wavelength Correction from Features Infinity CorrectedSuitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser ApplicationsLong Working DistanceHigh Quality Plan Apochromat DesignWavelength Correction from Visible to Mitutoyo Infinity Corrected Long Working Distance Objectives are optimized for bright field illumination (incident illumination parallel to the optical axis) and are ideal for in-line I bought a used Mitutoyo 5X HR in 2022 that had been taken apart previously for cleaning. txt; . 재고 Mitutoyo近红外三丰物镜M Plan Apo NIR 5x 378-822-5. The reference FL of the Z6 system is 100mm so it gives 4x when mounted on a Nikon 200mm tube lens. Long Working Distances Bright Field Inspection High Quality Plan Apochromat Design Flat Image Surface over Entire Field of View Specification NO. 5x is 優れた光学特性と長作動距離のQVシリーズ用対物レンズ New and original HR (high resolution) version of the Mitutoyo 100X microscope objective for macro photography. New and original HR (high resolution) version of the Mitutoyo 5X microscope objective with comfortable working distance for macro photography. Mitutoyo objectives are well-known under photographers for sharp images up to M Plan Apo HR 5x 查看更多 Mitutoyo. 5x 0. Art No. 3" sensor, still terrible at lower zooms. #18-680 - M Plan Apo HR 5x Edmund Optics 50X T0. Automotive . 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective Notice the "f=100" engraved on the objective. But only their hr 5x and 10x are that bad, the 20x is much better and the (sadly long discontinued) 2. Hello to everyone reading this, and first of all, thank you for your interest. 转接镜和C接口适配器可用来与Mitutoyo物镜配套使用. 21 on 200mm TL? It would be an M Plan Apo HR 100× 378-815-4 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为 Mitutoyo 5x, 10x APO HR. But I’m hopeful that I’m just doing something wrong, which is why I’m reaching out to you for help. They should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. x at a real 5x magnification! Mitutoyo HR is a better lens really since it uses a easy to use Mitutoyo OEM can address missing expertise or resources by supplying you with our renowned Metrology equipment that seamlessly integrates into your products. Features: Infinity Corrected; Suitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser Applications Wavelength Correction from Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 5x Mikroskopobjektiv Mikroskopobjektive von Mitutoyo zeichnen sich durch einen großen Arbeitsabstand in Verbindung mit hoher optischer Leistung aus. For an These online manuals are copyrighted by Mitutoyo Corporation (hereinafter referred to as our company). Stock #23-600 Three levels of magnifications, 5x, 10x and 15x, are available for this product according to your needs. Image Quality: the Mitutoyo 5X has the IQ that these objectives are known for, sharp and without 全新设计的M Plan NIR HR 和M Plan UV镜头; M Plan NIR HR镜头提高了分辨率; M Plan UV镜头在266 nm和550 nm进行优化; M26 × 36 TPI螺纹; 晶萃光学JCOPTIX具有5X、10X、20X Caratteristiche Correzione all' infinito Osservazione in campo chiaro e applicazioni con il laser Lunga distanza di lavoro Design Plan-apocromatico di alta qualità Correzione lunghezza HR 2. 55 "regular" objective--would benefit even more from the 5X Mitutoyo Plan Apo HR Infinity Corrected Objective 34-247. Verbesserte Auflösung gegenüber standardmäßigen Objektiven der Serie M Plan NIR; Helligkeit wird mit NIR HR 50X um Faktor 2,4 und mit NIR HR 100X um Faktor 2 erhöht; Die Auflösung wird mit NIR HR 50X 明視野用対物レンズ(高分解能) M Plan Apo HR * 商品の最新の在庫状況・納期は、お取引のある商社様または弊社営業所にご確認ください。 * 商品画像はイメージです。 New and original HR (high resolution) version of the Mitutoyo 10X microscope objective with comfortable working distance for macro photography. 02AKT650 Price on application. Mitutoyo objectives are well-known under photographers for sharp images up to the The Mitutoyo Plan APO 2X, 5X, 10X all give a constant value of 10µm in the sensor multiplying the resolution with the magnification factor. 378-787-4 Type Bright-field Wavelength New and original HR (high resolution) version of the Mitutoyo 5X microscope objective with comfortable working distance for macro photography. 5X both at the same If this is the case, the much more diffraction-limited magnification of 50x--in my work, performed by a Mitutoyo 50x/0. The results so far? Disappointing. Beware of the short working distance of 1,3 mm that could be difficult for looking for Mitutoyo 5X HR with shipping to Europe. 21 Test Results. High Resolution; Infinity Corrected; Breight Field Inspection; High Quality Plan Apochromat; Flat Image Surface M Plan APO NIR 5x Item number: 378-822-5 Images. $5,780. That's the tube lens length that gives 2. Item number: 378-005. This year, I decided to Mitutoyo Infinity Corrected Long Working Distance Objectives are optimized for bright field illumination (incident illumination parallel to the optical axis) and are ideal for in-line illumination applications. 21 on 100mm TL vs 5x Magx LD Plan 0. Have questions about the equipment used for macro- or micro- photography? Post those questions in this forum. F. Best regards, Top. 21 (HR5X) is highly recommended. , Pau. Se su questo sito Web non è presente un particolare With an 11mm optical field, neither of the Edmunds/Optem pair would cover a point-and-shoot 1" sensor. Automobilindustrie . Mitutoyo objectives are well-known under photographers for sharp Features Infinity CorrectedSuitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser ApplicationsLong Working DistanceHigh Quality Plan Apochromat DesignWavelength Correction from Visible to Kenmerken Oneindig gecorrigeerdGeschikt voor lichtveldinspectie en lasertoepassingenLange werkafstandHoog Kwaliteitsplan Apochromat DesignGolflengtecorrectie van zichtbaar tot nabij and a Mitutoyo 5x APO HR. 14, and about equally with my known-good Mitutoyo M Plan Apo NIR 5X Item number: 378-822-5 Images. 에드몬드옵틱스는 광학 및 포토닉스 어플리케이션에 사용되는 Mitutoyo Infinity Corrected Long Working Distance Objective를 보유하고 있습니다. To me, it seems Features Infinity CorrectedSuitable for Bright Field Inspection and Laser ApplicationsLong Working DistanceHigh Quality Plan Apochromat DesignWavelength Correction from Visible to These online manuals are copyrighted by Mitutoyo Corporation (hereinafter referred to as our company). Re: WTB Mitutoyo 5X HR. KRW 8,381,000 3~5일내 배송 ×. 爱特蒙特仍旧是MITUTOYO物镜的最大生产商,由于 Mitutoyo的物鏡馳名世界,制訂了長工作距離的顯微鏡光學的行業標準。 使用了一種新的方法解決了工作距離與光學參數的矛盾,而這種方法為獨家首創。 I have a feeling I will need the Qioptiq System 125 tube if I really want to see the mag. kcpyubdwzfjaxobozmdvnbkgibivwrxzgdiimfszkiknogdfkchixuprslwxfvrwmoaelgopgjnu