Missing drill national guard reddit Members Online Just got wind that IET Soldiers may have 10-14 leave days for 4th of July holiday I’ve been in the Guard for 5 years and I have about 3-4 months left on my contract. We had to do hands across America for god knows how long, even though the training area was probably over 40sq. The rules for guard members missing drill and what can be done about it vary from state to state. First, your command says "fuck you, you signed a contract lol", and makes you go to drill. To share experiences, and engage in more meaningful conversations, join our Discord: https://discord. Every time I come to drill I always hear someone complaining about how they have to show up. We will call for fire with live mortars 5-6 of those drills live artillery 1-2 and live CAS at least 1-2 drills a year. permalink; embed; save; report; REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are They're usually listed on a drill letter. Anything I can do? Also, do I have to start my TIG all over again? E4-E3 Location for current, potential, and veteran soldiers and airmen of the US National Guard. Missing drill doesn't make you a bad soldier or "that guy" especially for one drill weekend. And that's almost never last minute and is worked out with the unit. Dad's National Guard Benefits: Does he have any? DiagnosticTench Connect with fellow members and discuss a wide-range of topics related to the ANG. In your case, they are a big, wide open window into figuring out what issues can be hitting on you at drill when your direct line isn't helping out/is the problem. I was inactive for a year while I deployed as a contractor to afg. Google “insert your state unemployment National Guard” and see what comes up. And when you spend 95% of your time being treated like a normal person just to go to drill or orders where you get treated like shit for shit pay, that's when people start complaining. I know bullshit and waiting around is standard for the army but what kinda specialized thing, infantry only things, do you guys do on a the regular? Not in the National Guard, but I was active duty and considering going National Guard when I got out. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. This isn't active duty. Losing money going to drill It ain't even the gas for me I literally just straight up lose like 1800-2000 every drill weekend from missing work. . Might not mean much now but might come up in an interview, unless you enjoy min wage forever. I'm wondering if I can miss this next drill without facing major consequences, and if I can still maintain a "good year. In under 5. You get 63 points a year from IDT/AT combined so missing a MUTA 14 could put you in the danger zone if you miss more drills and AT for the year. Easy to quit now but enjoy telling your grandkids you couldn't make it in the National Guard. I'm finishing my national guard career officially in January. The death of a family member made me question what I want - have my life and ability to attend family gatherings dictated by a drill schedule, to continue to miss birthdays and anniversaries, to be gone for a year at a time, and missing critical things like my child's first steps and words. it's a love-hate, I assume that's across all of most branches though. Also, if you’re talking about missing drill this coming weekend you’re already way behind the power curve. As for missing drill weekends that will depend on your unit and leaders. Context; I’m a Marine hitting my 2 year mark in a week or two and I’ve given some thought towards joining the National Guard once I EAS. I missed a MUTA 6 drill in February, and got demoted. Really glad I didn’t. I have been to every drill (had to make some up) and every AT that’s been assigned to us. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It is demanding, yet it’s not enough of a job on its own (excluding AGR or similar opportunities). • National Guard 5–5. Location for current, potential, and veteran soldiers and airmen of the US National Guard. The reality of today's Army National Guard is this: everytime it rains hard, snows hard, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, police problem, drug problem area, border issues, wars, internation When my dad was in the NG (60's and 70's to avoid the Vietnam draft) he was in an office job so weekend drills didn't use vacation, but he had to spend his vacation for the annual 2-week drill. He's not missing out on winning the war here. He said he's tried to rst and he's tried to have communication but no one has helped him. I’ve had mday commanders leave the Guard because the expectations interfered with their civilian careers. Went to reclass school for 6 weeks and was asked if I'd like to make up the drill I missed, more so the get extra money not because I need to, I made it up just for the extra muta 6 paycheck. Just submit the RST request with a detailed explanation through your chain of command if you can make up the missed drills before end of the FY. Guy claims there’s no punishment for never attending drill which is straight up wrong. He was also told he “probably” wouldn’t be able to come home if I go into Pretty fucking lame. Application. The guard isn’t compatible with everyone’s life. One drill weekend is comprised of four 4-hour UTAs. My fiancé (husband in just a couple of months) has a 5 day drill coming up (9 hours away from where we currently live) and was apparently told “no exceptions” to missing, including our child’s birth. I tried contacting the state IST coordinator. Compiled List of Air National Guard units with links to Unit Pages and Facebook Pages. E-6 Drill pay aint bad either a little extra beer money. I think it's (2) The civilian employer must submit a written justification explaining how the National Guard and Reserve member’s absence imposes adverse financial or severe operating impact to the civilian employer and advise as to when the hardship due to the Service member’s absence is anticipated to end. The family ended up visiting the maternal grandparents in the Poconos as Depends on the Unit, Group, Wing, State, and Region for how bad or good your time in the Guard will be. I will now get $1214. " Unemployment Insurance is very state dependent. Hopefully you didnt miss any others and still have enough points for a good year. Yes very doable. In Jan, I was given the schedule for the upcoming drills and surprise, there’s a conflict. " To my understanding, a "good year" means that I've earned a minimum of 50 points in my anniversary year through activities like attending drills and annual training. The MPLP applies to active service Soldiers, Reserve Component Soldiers performing active Guard and Reserve duty or full-time National Guard duty for a period in excess of 12 months, and Reserve Component Soldiers performing duty under a call or order to active service in excess of 12 months. Been in for almost 16 yrs. I got marked AWOL and the paperwork finally went through a couple days ago. My unit also drills quarterly instead of monthly. This roundabout “it’s your fault” “ok I’m sorry what can I do to fix it” went on for about 2 months. But other than that I just show up to drill and we learn about sexual assault and drug abuse like 6 times a year and then I move boxes. It just requires a little bit of paperwork that your RSP/readiness NCO can and should facilitate for you. Recommendations. So to be clearer: When in Title 32 status (normal guard drilling status), Federal Article 15 does not apply. However I had not been counseled or warned that I was going to get demoted. You should have your drill schedule far enough in advance that your unit will we expect you to plan around it. Study sessions for college aren’t mandatory, drill is. From my experience many units are not willing to make a lot of excuses for school. We show up at 0500 and SP to the field by 0800 almost every drill. You're not required to use PTO to get off work. Drill periods are mandatory for members of the National While you can miss drills, and still have a good year, it makes it significantly harder. I switched from the marines to the guard last year. However my last drill is going to be November (PHA because for some reason I still need to do this). Typically just Friday (for transit), but occasionally also Monday (for transit), depends on whether I feel safe to drive Sunday night. Your unit/state want to keep you in the guard. I'm National Guard, also AGR (active national guard. Being an officer in the Guard is kind of drag when there is an established norm to do a lot of work outside drill on your own time. However, most state's military code (which does apply) mirrors the federal, and people often say 'article 15' when they really mean "the state equivalent of article 15. All of them really enjoy it. You need to reach out to your unit and paint them the full picture. When you just stop showing up, after the first drill you will receive a certified letter explaining that you were Unauthorized Absent for 4 UTAs, with some boilerplate explanations covering how 9 total UTAs of Unathorized Absence will result in your AWOL discharge, characterized as Other Than Honorable, listing the benefits that you will not be eligible for, as The guard has opened so many doors for me on the civilian side since I got a TS Cheap health insurance. But I ended up getting messed while on a deployment and had my ACL destroyed. I have never RSTed or missed a drill. Once you hit 9 in a year you're considered an unsatisfactory participant. The Army has openly stated they are planning to rely more and more on the National Guard, and state military departments will happily activate you for nonsense if it means they get federal dollars. Sure there's the whole tuition reimbursement and Post 9/11 I got from prior deployments, but the BEST part was being able to skip out of classes that I TOTALLY DIDN'T NEED TO BE PRESENT FOR to attend some super fun and great MUTA 8 drills. Yes, they tell the truth, but they are very guilty of lying by omission. Some states are very Guard friendly and some are not. 5 days of drill. I’ve been in for 6 years and never missed a drill besides that one. United States Army on Reddit Members Online • That was usually an option on the Guard side if a weekday SUTA wasn’t possible for a drill you needed to miss. Your health takes priority over the guard, but don't just no-show. Retirement might not matter for you, but just throwing that out there. They don't miss drills unless it's a professional or family thing. The only way to “get out of it” is to speak to your readiness NCO and arrange to do a makeup drill day for the one you’re going to miss. I heard that all vacations need to be approved by your unit, my question is how strict are the units usually when approving request if your not on orders and you schedule the time away around your drill weekends so you won’t miss drills. The fourth option is the most likely. I even managed to get larger events Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. In practice, punishments for missing a part or all of a weekend drill range from nothing I'm in now. Or check it out in the app stores and veteran soldiers and airmen of the US National Guard. I’ve seen people miss drill because they had a late shift at the fire house, as well as graduation from a Police Academy. If you miss drill it's an unexcused absence, and you can miss 9 UTAs. I’m trying to figure out if the national guard gives paid parental leave from drill. Long time ago I really hated the National Guard but that’s because I was fat and Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. assuming you’re not AGR. OP, The comment stating “zero” is technically correct. Drills form a core component of military life, particularly for the National Guard and Reserves. Potential consequences of missing drill? Hello all, I’m an E-4 and I’m currently in the process of getting out via medboard, just waiting on a DOD rating before I get discharged. Some guys in my unit fly to drill. Now, you’ll see plenty of bitching and pissing and moaning on this here ‘Reddit forum,’ mostly because this website attracts younger adults who think the Guard is hard. You can SUTA which is just make up the drill at a different time, or if that’s just not possible you’ll take the unexcused or excused absence, but it Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. So I’m due with our first child literally any time now. If one drill weekend is missed, four UTAs have been missed. serve 20 years and get a retirement? not as good as an AD retirement but still good I treat it like a hobby I've met some great people im glad to call my friends. The Guard can help I promise. I really hope you’re just trolling. I'm in the 300th MI, but have close friends in the 19th SF and the 211th Aviation (where you'd be). Our AT begins in late May and I voiced about not wanting to go. U better pray they fire u for missing work to go to drill Ull never have to work again ur bosses eyes will be the size of half dollars when 2 jag officers in dress blues walk in he’s Note, you won't get paid for that month and you won't get retirement points. Reason being, is that December is just a holiday party and January drill will be after I get out anyway (although tbh, I probably wouldn't show up that month even if it was before). We always shoot during these drills too. I am trying to draft the memo correctly. There are basically 4 options. say between that and also retention/recruiting rates as they currently are you probably have a lot of leniency when missing drill, use it to your advantage but don’t be stupid He got a similar crappy part time job elsewhere immediately. you can definitely miss time and still have a good year. It would take multiple drills. From a practical standpoint, you will generally see less resistance to missing drill if you’ve met the points requirement for a good year, have a good reason, and generally maintain a good reputation. People hear stories and get confused but no state is kicking people out SOLELY for unsat. These sessions ensure you stay physically fit, mentally sharp, and up-to-date with military protocols and skills. I assume your NCO is an E5 or E6, and M-Day just like yourself - they are in no way, shape, or form the approval authority for a split request. It was still possible to request to reschedule the drill if you planned a vacay knowing it conflicted with drill, but you know there’s a possibility it would be denied. As of right now, Reserve Component or National Guard members who are in a traditional M-Day status are covered under DOD DTM 22-004 which outlines the guidelines for Reserve Component Maternity Leave Program and under the Program Parameters section is limited to the birth parent, and as such, authorizes the Utah guard is rad. It’s been excellent supplemental income, and I’ve generally felt that it’s more meaningful than my civilian career. Second, You can be excused from drill. If your unit really is tracking your full story I promise you they would be leaning on those resources hard. I accidentally booked a cruise during a regular 4 MUTA. If they’re AWOL they’re AWOL, mark it and move on. I’m currently National guard after serving my active duty contract. Army Military Parental Leave Program a. This is another thing that just shows how ridiculous the Guard is. In my state (OH) at least they are very quick to let you miss drill for any sort of training for public service type jobs. 5yrs I’ve earned E6 and drill at my state’s JFHQ now as a maintenance advisor with a VERY flexible drill schedule Civilian retail discounts Hopefully you got this resolved, but if not I’d utilize your commander’s/1SG’s open door (or phone) policy if they have one. When you just stop showing up, after the first drill you will receive a certified letter explaining that you were Unauthorized Absent for 4 UTAs, with some boilerplate explanations These are the only drills i’ve missed. Using guardsmen on covid-19 missions for drilling or usual readiness BS is tantamount to fraud, waste, and abuse. I think my last unit was you can miss 6 drill periods w/o rescheduling (?), and a drill weekend is 4 drill periods. I've given due notice of my drill schedule and been very clear about how I can't miss or reschedule military orders. I currently get military leave for a set amount of days where my job will pay me my salary when I'm gone. Nothing could happen, you could get a negative counseling and get yelled at, you could lose rank, could get smoked, you will not be discharged for missing one drill especially while at RSP. It is the unit's obligation to attempt to retain the Soldier via counseling, and continuing to try to contact the Soldier. Others get used by the Feds for random missions and to maintain flying hours. Heyo. Or check it out in the app stores   and veteran soldiers and airmen of the US National Guard. Sundays my scheduled double time day and Saturday is part of my regular work week. ADMIN MOD Missing guard drill . Technically they can process an admin sep (Other than Honorable) at that point, but no state will. " If they schedule you and try to bring negative consequences for not showing up or finding coverage, email a USERRA contact and CC your manager's manager reporting the action. Talk to your CoC if you're comfortable, or open door CO or 1SGT if you feel you need to. Unsatisfactory performance and missing drills can also cause issues if your TA or TRICARE. gg/air-guard *****All joining/transferring questions outside of the dedicated pinned post will be deleted***** This sub is NOT maintained or endorsed by NGB or the ANG. A few months later he got hired as security at a nuclear facility at $22 an hour plus great benefits, plus not only are they OK with him being in the guard, but they pay him for shits missed while drilling, training or deployed. (3) The designated representative: Not to mention, I spent about six months on state active duty in 2020/21 between COVID orders, civil unrest, and forest fires. Your national guard service is not your bread and butter. See if you can talk to your NCO if it can be made up under special circumstances. Missing Inform your chain of command. 03/a month from VA disability. Fourth, you can split the drill, meaning you make it up at a different time. His arb review, sharp renewal and section training can be Once you’re put in contact, explain the situation and set up a time to either make up the drill dates or go in early and pre-execute those drill dates. My unit typically does OCIE turn in on last drill, which means We have three to four day drills (Thursday 5am to 8pm Sunday) in the field almost every drill. Going through EMT/Paramedic at the moment. Do what is BEST for your own personal career. Good reason or not, the guard is still the first priority on drill weekends. He’s been proven otherwise in a previous post and still insists his dumbass claim. Ended up getting fired because of the recovery for this injury. Just skip How strict is the army national guard for letting soldiers go away when not on orders or drill. As someone who’s drilled for 13 years with an injury the Army gave me, it hurts my brain to know that you are getting 3,000+ per MONTH and you’re bitching about missing out on drill pay. “Soldiers and airmen in the National Guard of the United States are subject to the UCMJ only if activated (mobilized or recalled to active duty) in a Federal capacity under Title 10 by an executive order issued by the President, or during their Annual View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. transferred from active duty to national guard but I have made up and split drills before but I've still had to miss out on lots of things because of BS like JRTC, XCTC, and other mandatory drills. Farthest guy is 2 states away. They should be trying to help you not make your life harder, shouldn't be an issue to just say you'd like to have an excused absence for that drill So to compare it to missing MUTAs isn’t really accurate. That said- 50 applications is really not that many, and a month is Im currently looking changing my MOS from 74D to 11B/11C. Never had a bad year. my unit isn’t messaging me about missing drill or anything. You won’t be able to get a good year for retirement if you don’t reach enough drill points for the year. I got told that I would need some surgery for it, and told my employer about it. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. They involve regular training sessions, usually held one weekend a month and two weeks a year. don't take everything the recruiter tells you as honest truth. What are my consequences looking like? Is you “sgt” a member of the full-time staff? I hope they are not because that is a bullshit response and does According to AR 135-91, you are allowed up to 9 unexcused absences per 12 month period before you're marked unsat (basically eligible for losing benefits, discharge, etc. In normal drilling status Air and Army National Guard reservists are usually under Title 32 (National Guard), rather than Title 10 (Armed Forces) status. Does anyone have an example memo or honestly just the AR, AD, DTM reference? I’m in the National Guard and I missed 3 winter final weeks for drill (like we had a 7 day drill for three Decembers in a row), one spring final for a promotion school (that I had already declined 3 times because I didn’t want to miss school), 1 week for a Hurricane mission, then I ended up being kicked out of my program due to deploying and was forced to finish an online degree in a major Alright guys, so I missed drill this weekend realistically was probably my fault but I had no idea I even had to go considering it's the MUTA 4 before AT and I have to much active duty time to even go to AT to begin with I'm also on a Deadman profile from a back injury I received from the year long activaton I was on. If so, I don’t believe there is a legal cap. I would consider your police academy attendance a very reasonable excuse from drill. Nothing like being forced to be a teacher. The Army has a new tactic for If you stop showing up for your required military drills without an approved excuse, you can face serious consequences. On a side note: (not that you asked) it’s important to remember it’s not 10 MUTAs in the calendar year or in the FY. 10 MUTAs is technically only 4. I’m having trouble finding the proper guidance for this topic. United States Army on Reddit Members Online • TaperingFern71. Each 4 hour period After you accumulate your 9 "U"s, 4 per regular MUTA-4 Battle Assembly (aka "drill"), you are subject to discharge or transfer to the IRR. Active Guard Reserve). I love that you joined the guard for the health insurance, thank you for perpetuating the stereotype lol I guess your missions weren’t that important then. On the days we’re not calling fire missions we practice Building OPs maintains radio communications from OPs, practice Family is a priority, the guard will always be there, and you’re not missing anything by missing one drill. Not only are we missing drill money, but we had to take 2 days off from civ job to deal with this shit Archived post. When you do get your car fixed, bring in a copy of your repair invoices just to CYA; if it's your first time missing drill I doubt anyone will ask to Long story short: Does anyone know the reference for Army National Guard AT excusals under education? Currently in a year long Career Fire Department Academy. 19 votes, 32 comments. Missing eight UTAs within one year is considered sufficient indication of intentional misconduct and meets justification for reduction in rank or discharge. If there is any negative feedback I would ignore it and document it. I say this as an atheist who has had bad and good experiences with chaplains. Initial Training My recruiter is telling me that if I miss drill (two days) then I could get an other than honorable discharge. If I do end up joining, I’m thinking about either going intel or doing something with public relations (currently artillery; cool but it’s ass). Army National Guard members are subject to discipline under Title 32. Connect with fellow members and discuss a wide-range of topics related to the ANG. Covid support gets forced on some people too. Only a do-nothing unit has time for this shit. The national guard has saved my ass in this “wretched” economy. I know a guy who “lost” nods his very last drilll that was AT. Third, you can find a unit closer to the academy, and drill with them. First. You have leeway. Yes I do full time college and drill, plus a full-time job (part-time during the semester) I miss about 1-2 days of school a month. I emailed back asking what was I missing and what can I do to fix itno response. ). Air National Guard in some states get activated for riots or disaster support. I’m currently on these badass orders where I get to talk to all walks of life and wear civilians. if you cant make up the missed drills before Sept 30 youll have to ask for them to be excused. So effectively they’re forcing soldiers to show up to a drill where they won’t even do anything lol. Dunno why the other guy’s comment got bombed: There aren’t really any ‘cons’ to joining the guard. Mind you I’ve already moved. That means a chapter packet can be dropped as soon as 3 months from first missed drill. Recruiter may have screwed you but you made a commitment & get all the benies, cheap insurance, college $, & those mil discounts. To each his own but holy In the past when my subordinates missed drill, the level of scrutiny applied depended on how often they had problems. First sentence is law, second is entirely based on where you work. We basically don’t do only home station (drills where you stay at your armory during bs the whole time) As national guard you'll have a civilian job or be attending school or both. The National Guard made pursuing a professional degree SUPER GREAT. Hello, Has the Air National Guard implemented the Maternity Reserve Leave Policy for DSG members? My understanding is that the DOD provided it's guidance to be effective June 2022 allowing for maternity/paternity leave for 3 drills while still getting pay and points, but I couldn't find any guidance on how to go about using the leave. Reach out to your Unit asap. What does a standard 2-3 day drill look like in infantry companies. 10 years in the National Guard as an E6, multiple stateside mobilizations, 1 deployment overseas and 10 more years to goyay! So I recently was awarded 60% VA disability through the VA, but I'm also still currently drilling. I've had guys almost miss "good years" because they missed too many drills to get 50 points (which is fine, as long as it isn't a range and they have a good reason). Share I would seriously look at commissioning in the Air Guard, reserves(not Army) or go warrant. Expanding on what everyone else has said. You may be required to use PTO if you want to be paid by your employer while you miss drill. As soon as a Soldier reaches 9 U's, unsatisfactory performance chapter is required to begin, and Soldier is market as a non-participant. It could be numerous things, highly dependent on your state and also the chain of command involved. The capital mission was kinda cool tho. Missing Two Days of Drill in RSP . The guard helped me pay for college and the TRICARE benefits are great. miles. like Jaye said, most have a policy on how many you can miss a year. brvxr proej xusr gtvtqa tgbfn neosacx qeezwhz gqc wpzuon xivi janbc qjsfv ljmtly komyc wxzlwo