Autohotkey controlsend mouse click. MsgBox, Press OK to activate the window to see the result.

Autohotkey controlsend mouse click AutoHotkey Community; AutoHotkey; Ask for Help; View New Content Try looking at ControlSend. 18; FAQ; Logout; Register; Logout; Register; Web Search; Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Hotstring and Mouse click together - posted in Ask for Help: I am extremely new at this and trying to make my life at work much easier. . Send / SendRaw / SendInput / SendPlay / SendEvent. Clicks the OK button. I sorta understand how the flow works and it appears this might not be possible, but I want to ask the experts. However, if I move my cursor away from my Mozilla window as ControlClick allows then execute the code, it finds the change in color, executes the double click, and loops as intended, then after ~four tries it fails to double click (only single clicking). Sending mouse movements & clicks to multiple windows - posted in Ask for Help: First off, wonderful program! Lets say I have 4 game windows running, 1 in the foreground and the other 3 minimized. Post by jeeswg » Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:53 pm how can i send Mouse Movements and clicks to a background game? i've tried ControlClick/ControlSend but it never works, sometimes it just clicks and its not even on F3:: { GetKeyState, state, RButton ; Right mouse button. Control. EDIT. I try this script but dont work: F6:: //run script when i click F6 Controlsend, , {LALT Down}, SRO_Client //push left alt and hold it ControlClick, x846 y310, SRO_Client //click AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1) Tutorial (v2) Download - 2. Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. Sleep, 2000 SplasHtextoff ;Grab unique window IDs WinGet, WowWinId, List, World of Warcraft ; Minimize All WOW windows WinMinimize, ahk_id %WowWinId1% WinMinimize, ahk_id %WowWinId2% AutoHotkey's official documentation lists two different sets of commands for sending simulated keyboard input to a window. Sends simulated keystrokes to a window or control. So far, I have tried using SetControlDelay 50, but no luck. If blank or omitted, it defaults to Left (the left mouse I just had a quick question about using ControlClick/ControlSend. Esta sección es para preguntas sobre programación/scripting usando AutoHotkey. ahk_parent, Untitled - Notepad, , Right, 1, x100 y100 ControlSend, Edit 1, Hello!, Untitled - Notepad ControlSend, ahk_parent, g, JavaApp return } running autohotkey as admin. Need help Simulating Mouseclicks - posted in Ask for Help: Im fairly new to AHK and was wondering if it is possible to simulate mouse movements and or mouse clicks. The problem is, that I cannot get ControlSend to send Wheel* commands. If I were you, I would take all the help and the knowledge which is offered to you. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. F4:: ;NOT WORK Send, z return F5:: ;WORK SendInput, {z Hacer click en ventana de un juego ¿ControlSend? ¿ControlClick? Topic is solved. For example, !A presses ALT+SHIFT+A and !a presses ALT+a. " Top. I was wondering ; with ControlSend and ControlClick, do they 1. Las pulsaciones del teclado me funciona, las del ratón no, y no se porqué. Send {S 30} ; Sends 30 uppercase S characters. I tried a lot of different options: Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. There are numerous ways to emulate a mouse-click. 18; FAQ; Logout; Register; Logout; Register; Web Search; Home Board index Other languages Español (Spanish) Pedir Ayuda; It is currently Sat Jan 04, 2025 10:43 pm; All times are UTC; Hacer click en ventana de un juego ¿ControlSend? ¿ControlClick? Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. 43+]: SendInput and SendPlay use the same syntax as Send but are generally faster and more reliable. 05. If State=U { MsgBox, Right Mouse State is %state% Click down right } Else { MsgBox, Right Mouse State is %state% Click up right } } This one is the same without the message box F3:: { GetKeyState, state, RButton ; Right mouse button. Please suggest a way to make the click go through, as at the moment nothing happens with the first methods; and numpad 5 Mouse click help - posted in Ask for Help: I currently use AHK for WOW to play two game sessions. For some, the need is to click the window even when it is not the active window. So what i want ahk to do is:1) open context menu2) then choose/click a specific menu itemI know the IDs of the items in the menu, but i dont know how to click them. Get I recently upgraded to Windows 8. It sends it under my mouse if the window is active. exe ; 直接发送到命令提示符窗口. Interestingly i can click any other program that is at this coordinate, but when i open BAW mouse moves there, but the click doesnt. Use Sends a mouse button or mouse wheel event to a control. 18; FAQ; Logout; Register; Logout; Register; Web Search; Home Board index Other languages Español (Spanish) Pedir Ayuda; It is currently Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:41 pm; All times are UTC; Hacer click en ventana de un juego ¿ControlSend? ¿ControlClick? Unlike the Send function, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. To send mouse clicks im use SENDPLAY but its dont work for keys. 声明: 本站所有文章,如无特殊说明或标注,均为本站原创发布。 任何个人或组织,在未征得本站同意时,禁止复制、盗用、采集、发布本站内容到任何网站、书籍等各类媒体平台。 The mouse left click and the spacebar presses are to change the camera view and to follow a different player every 20 or so seconds, since some players are AFK and just stand still too long. ControlSend,, {3 down}, ahk_pid %pid1% ; Funciona perfecto, pero es sólo para teclas. I can record the mouse position with the MButton and press Shift+c to move my mouse automatically and right click on the recorded mouse position. example ControlSend,,{Click},Firefox, toggle = 0 #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 F8:: Toggle := !Toggle While Toggle{ ControlSend, , e, game sleep 8000 ControlSend, , e, game sleep 1 ControlSend, , a, game sleep 1 This avoids holding the mouse button down during the click, which in turn reduces interference from the user's physical movement of the mouse. See WinTitle. Thank you very much! #a:: ; Win+a hotkey Process, Exist, NM. heroji Hello i'm new! can someone explain why? I tried to make a simple script with controlsend, all works except controlclick. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. MouseClick WhichButton , X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, "D|U", "R" Parameters WhichButton. If present, this parameter must be a substring from a single text element of the target window (as revealed by the included Window Spy utility). send command inputs without directly tying up the mouse/keyboard , so I would be able to have (virtually) unlimited scripts sending inputs out to different clients( or is ControlSend not doing anything in this app - posted in Ask for Help: I am trying to modify the script I have working using window coords to click the mouse to instead find the control and click it but I can't seem to get ControlSend to do anything with this window. Type: String. Here is what I have so far. The rate at which characters are sent is determined by SetKeyDelay. They can not be predetermined because they are A. Otherwise, specify the button to click ControlSend with Wheel* - posted in Ask for Help: Im trying to write a script that sends scrolling to the window below the mouse pointer rather than the active window. Note that it should scroll + write some ControlSend[Raw] AutoHotkey GUI. 2- controlsend can't hold key presses for a long time 3- more control over keyinput order, don't need to sleep 4- controlsend can't send mouse clicks Unlike the Send command, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. However, I was at a friend's house and assisting him in one of his scripts and totally missed that. Im trying to make a way to play Diablo 3 on PC with a joypad. I should have known better. WinTitle: The title or partial title of the target window (the matching behavior is determined by SetTitleMatchMode). 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys. I am wondering the following (four questions): How do I get the right info to do ControlSends, so HI Broskis and Broskas, I use a programme called Q-pulse to keep my documents together. Send / SendRaw / SendInput / SendPlay / SendEvent Since im getting tired of clicking "Run next action" all the time, and there dont seem to be any keybinds for it, i wanted to bind F1 key to click it for me. The only key who i can send with Sendplay is ENTER. ControlSend , Control, Keys, WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText. O. Mouse Drag Problem - posted in Ask for Help: Hi there, Im using mouse controls in a program, I used successfully ControlClick, Click, MouseMove, ControlSend and so on, but Im having a strange issue when I try to drag things. Ask gaming related questions (AHK 1- some inputs don't need WM_KEYUP (it would cut some time and would be theorically faster than controlsend), forcing the user have more control over the WM. So I will have Help Using Control Click - posted in Ask for Help: Im attempting to develop a macro that will send a simple input to a game I play to automate some of the more tedius parts. If this is the letter A and the next 3 parameters Listbox Send Right Click Without Moving Mouse - posted in Scripts and Functions: Ive been struggling with UltraEdit recently, as its template lists make you right click, click move up or move down to move them up and down in the list. I try using ControlSend but dont work for me. Ive been using send on AceOnline for a few months to better utilize my mouse buttons, and they updated the game, and now send just isnt working. Forum rules. I used the following code as my final script in I cannot make the following macro send a left click; no matter what i try. Thank you for the help. Use ControlClick for that. This video will cover:• MouseClick• How to Sen The problem is that it sends the key and the click but not at the coords i specified. Right now I have a script that can hold an arrow key to scroll left, right, up, or down on a file I have opened (notepad for example) just by running something like: Send {right down} Sleep 1000 Send {right up} Now Im trying to have it work while im on a different screen using Page 1 of 2 - [Solved] ControlClick - give X & Y to click known contro - posted in Ask for Help: I have a Control that appears in different places depending on machine, resolution, etcCurrently, I have to use loop, 12 ; # of users in lobby can vary between 1 and 12ish { ControlSend, Control3, {Up},Lobby Sleep, 1 } or something like this to move the highlight But I was faced with the need to switch to СontrolSend or Send in order to be able to click not with the mouse on a coordinate, but for example using the TAB key and etc, but I just can’t find a workable option that would work on several windows of my game at once, please help [Mod edit: Moved from AHK v2 help since this is v1 code. "Unlike the Send command, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. The button to click: Left (default), Right, Middle (or just the first letter of each of these); or the fourth or fifth mouse button (X1 or X2). 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Sat Dec 21, 2024 6:19 pm; All times are UTC; Send a 'Ctrl+Wheel' to a inactive window with either ControlSend or ControlClick? Topic is solved. Send Click 42,191 ; defaults to Event SendPlay Click Send works but ControlSend doesnt? - posted in Ask for Help: i have these 2 pieces of code: (window is focused) Send {Click 638, 933} (window is focused or not, doesnt matter) ControlSend,, {Click 638, 933}, %w2title% however, this works and sends blablabla: ControlSend,, blalala, %w2title% send works, but control send doesnt, whats up? Questions about mouse clicks - posted in Ask for Help: Hello AHK, im new in scripting so please be kind to me is it possible to write a script were you only left click your mouse on a specified window and the script will repeatedly hit F1 and left click for you?. As a test I am using this line to try to put abc into the textbox Edit8 ControlSend Edit8,abc,AIt does absolutely Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. I watched the tutorials and don't really understand what is going on in AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1) Tutorial (v2) Download - 2. A window title or other criteria identifying the target window. ControlClick, OK, Some Window Title. Call PostMessage(hWndParent, WM_PARENTNOTIFY, Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. Any tricks not listed in the FAQ I should try? I tried lengthening my key delays, but this did not work. If State=U Click down right Else Click up right } AutoHotkey Documentation ControlSend[Raw] - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey AutoHotkey. (which remains inactive like the controlsend or click function) Made by lexikos. El problema es con los clicks del ratón. If the window isn't focused To send a literal comma, escape it (`,). Hi! This is the second part of a two-part series covering the topic of controlling your mouse with AutoHotkey. I watched the tutorials and don't really understand what is going on in The script I use below works great. The problem is that it sends the key and the click but not at the coords i specified. I >Unlike the Send command, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. 48. The others dont work. For example, Send {Click} would click the left mouse button once at the mouse cursor's current position, and Send {Click 100, 200} would click Unlike the Send function, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. If this and the next 3 parameters are omitted, the Last Found Window will be used. In the foreground window, I move the mouse and left click on a spot. ControlMove, ControlGetPos, ControlFocus, ControlSetText, ControlSend, Click. have an effect ? i dont really understand what isint happening in Mouse click toggles between F5, F6, F7 - posted in Ask for Help: I just upgraded to W8 64-bit and now running AHK 1. The worker is some sort of stripped This video will cover: • Mouse Left Click • Mouse Right Click • Double Click • Left Click and Hold Down • Mouse Wheel • Click a Coordinate • Get Mouse Coordinates Some other Send a click to a window at a specific position on a timer, send a keystroke to a window on another timer. I want to be able to do this from wow1. I sent a ControlClick to a button control on a game window its ControlClick clicks wrong pos while minimized - posted in Ask for Help: SetTitleMatchMode, 2 IfWinExist, Ether Saga Loop { { ControlSend,, 1, Ether Saga Sleep, 3000 } } It works fine if i send {TAB} or send Enter + {1}. I finally figured it out - and though MouseClick. 2 posts • Page Para ello necesito enviar las pulsaciones del teclado y el mouse a la segunda ventana. There are more ways to send keys ? Unlike the Send command, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. We don't have your game to test, but a simple debugging strategy was laid out for you: start with a short script - if it works, then expand it incrementally. It doesnt fail at all, but the drag only works when Im physically moving the mouse. But for simply simulating a keytstroke for skill shortcut like 1 or any F1-F12 button then it doesnt work. To start, the following correctly sends a Wheelwp to the top panel, Also can AutoHotkey V2 send <modifier> + <WheelUp / Wheeldown combinations, such as ctrl + WheelUp with ControlClick now? It would be interesting to know for sure. Sometimes it is not effective. What i want to know is if there is a way to ControlSend to a determinade coordenate so the moviment dont disrupt the mouse control of Unlike the Send command, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. i used window spy to give me the Class NN info which is: WindowsForms10. Below is the script that I use in AHK and below that is a copy of the script The ControlClick function isn't capeable of sending other keys then left or right mouse, so you can't send a ctrldownLbutton with Controlclick or Controlsend(impossible cause a position is needed also for the mouse). That script would right click tray icon of a certain program than navigate to one of its options then click that option. here's the script: ControlClick doesn’t click at the mouse location. Try each one until you find one that works for your program. I want push down left alt and click left mouse button on position x-y, relase left alt. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. I watched the tutorials and don't really understand what is going on in Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. You can specify the mode for the Click command and the generic Send command (which default to Event), or you can specify the mode explicitly (Play is recommended for stubborn programs and games):. Hope this helps. If you want the window active while running your script, you might be able to use, mouseclick, or click, or send {click}:!: Better yet, and probably best of all is to search the forum for Ragnarok Tracking Mouse Movement and sending the click through - posted in Ask for Help: This is for WOW. 2eed1ca_r9_ad12 I created a script to go to the search bar here's is my current script atm. If in doubt, use lowercase. 0. I used Winspector and noticed the child window sends a WM_PARENTNOTIFY. Para ello necesito enviar las pulsaciones del teclado y el mouse a la segunda ventana. Unlike the Send command, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. The app has 5 different search bars but I am only interested in one which opens requests. Second, for your mouse-moving issue - first save the position of your mouse, then controlclick, and then put your mouse back where you found it. Grendahl Posts: 169 Joined: Mon Cannot SEND keys. ( SetTilteMatchMode will probably be helpful when using the above commands. That part was easy. For example, Send {Click} would click the left mouse button once at the mouse cursor's current position, and Send {Click 100, 200} would click Para ello necesito enviar las pulsaciones del teclado y el mouse a la segunda ventana. AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorial (v1) Tutorial (v2) Download - 2. I figured out how to do it with mouse clicks. I want to cast a spell that is on wow 2 that requires you to place a cursor and click on the screen. If this parameter is blank, the target window's topmost control will be clicked (or the target window itself if it has no controls). I am guessing since you didn't post any code, but if you are using an inactive window you are using ControlSend. Im asking because I would like to know if I am able to do other tasks on my computer while a script may be in use of my mouse/keyboard etc. Top. Anyone have suggestions for fixing this issue or is this just a weird program that autohotkey won’t be able to use controlSend with? Here is my code: Para ello necesito enviar las pulsaciones del teclado y el mouse a la segunda ventana. I have figured out how to use the hotstrings. WinGet, hwnd, ID, Bluestacks. My goal is to be able to press some key to start holding down a right mouse click to a window I have minimized, but I'm not AutoHotkey's official documentation lists two different sets of commands for sending simulated keyboard input to a window. my I want to double ControlClick at 122, 888 in mozilla when there is a change in color at 3259, 789. Problem:I work in background using ControlClick and ControlSend command. The mouse will only be out of place for the duration of either the click or the timeout. 7 posts I want to send keystrokes and mouse clicks to a background application, without interfering with my physical keyboard/mouse. but it was a way to get my script working better than just getting no response from the window receiving the controlSend command. Please Help and Thank you in Hey, I've been been trying to get controlsend commands from the keyboard to work while client is inactive for some time. Botting Server EQ: ControlSend? - posted in Ask for Help: Hey everyone, Theres a botting server for EverQuest that allows people to use macros, and they recommend that a program called WinEQ2 be used for safe DLL injection, to prevent the game from crashing. Btw, Im trying to send clicks to Internet Explorer. exe NMPID=%Errorlevel% if NMPID { Loop, 5000 { SetKeyDelay, 1000 ControlSend, , x, ahk_pid %NMPID% SetKeyDelay, 2000 controlsend with mouse buttons - posted in Ask for Help: thats what i need SplashTextOn, 255, , Preparing to find your Main window of WoW. {Enter} ControlSendRaw, Edit1, Notice that {Enter} is not sent as an Enter keystroke with ControlSendRaw. The ControlClick function isn't capeable of sending other keys then left or right mouse, so you can't send a ctrldownLbutton with Controlclick or Controlsend (impossible Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. Send +{TAB 4} ; Presses Shift-Tab 4 times. Of course Sendinput, Send and ControlSend doesnot work too. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. Hey, I've been been trying to get controlsend commands from the keyboard to work while client is inactive for some time. ahk_parent, Untitled - Notepad, , Right, 1, x100 y100 ControlSend, Edit 1, Hello!, Untitled - Notepad ControlSend Virtual mouse pointer? - posted in Ask for Help: Is it at all possible to have a script run using mouse coordinates and clicks on a program in the background and while this is happening still use the mouse? So your script is using its own environment with a Second (Or first) mouse? I am a noob, so this is probably the noobest of questions but it would be awesome. Zantomato Posts: 9 Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 6:01 pm. I need help developing a system to send mouse clicks through to clone windows. NOTE: The Click command is generally more flexible and easier to use. Adrian #6 - Posted 03 November 2012 - 02:27 PM. Here are little fragments to show you what I mean: MouseMove, 223, 291 Click down Sleep, Hey, I've been been trying to get controlsend commands from the keyboard to work while client is inactive for some time. 43+] Sends a mouse click using the same options available in the Click command. exe x := 1392, y := 102, winTitle := "ahk_id" hWnd Repeating or Holding Down a Key. {Click [Options]} [v1. ControlSend / ControlSendRaw. 2; FAQ; Logout; Register; Logout; Register; Web Search; Home Board index Other languages Español (Spanish) Pedir Ayuda; It is currently Wed May 31, 2023 11:27 pm; All times are UTC; Hacer click en ventana de un juego ¿ControlSend? ¿ControlClick? Note if I click on the program window, nothing shows in the “control under mouse position” box, so I’m not sure if there is a control for this program or not. To hold down or release a key: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed by the AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorials; Download - 2. Grendahl Posts: 169 Joined: Mon I want to send keystrokes and mouse clicks to a background application, without interfering with my physical keyboard/mouse. It means that it doesnt press 1 , but if i The theory behing multiboxing multiple windows under AutoHotkey involves finding the unique instance identifiers for the windows you want to control and saving those in some kind of list. But for some reason trying to send something like controlsend "F" won't work unless the window is active. Type: String, Integer or Object. controlclick is case and space sensitive - everything in the name has to be correct. Cant get the click to send, whether i try ' {Click, 0 ,0} '; ' LButton down ',' {CLick} ' or even reassigning it to 'Numpad 5' as you can see below: it works if i use any normal key like 'q', just not mouse button or f5. WinTitle. Clicks at a set of coordinates. ControlClick & ControlSend working but seem not effectiv - posted in Ask for Help: Hi all,This seem to be a comprehensive question, but if theres need code to be posted I will not hesitate to. Is this not supposed to work, or what am I doing wrong here?This is some sample code. However, I need some help perfecting it. How to use ahk_pid with ControlSend/-Click. i just read the tutorial about 5 mins ago and i cant find anything like that yet. I totally missed that the "#" would be translated as the windows key. WinActivate / ControlClick / ControlSend? - posted in Ask for Help: Ok, so basically what I am trying to do with this script is: I want to switch or run this simple mouse clicking script while the program is minimized: F1:: BlockInput On MouseClick, right, 165, 770,,Fast MouseClick, left, 200, 635 BlockInput Off return I tryed the following for WinActivate: F1:: WinActivate, Send right click to Game - posted in Ask for Help: Dear, Please help me send mouse to my game, right click I can send any key to game, but can not send mouse to it. Note: The Click function is generally more flexible and easier to use. Example: Multiple World of Warcraft screens open and I want to send specific Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. The Left Stick would do the moviment, and the right stick do the mouse control. So, I work in a call center and constantly get voicemail {Click [Options]} [v1. It mostly works - as long as the window is in focus. AutoHotkey Documentation ControlSend[Raw] - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey AutoHotkey. To use raw mode with SendInput, SendPlay, SendEvent, or ControlSend, write as the first item in the string; for This typically isn't needed in Unicode versions of AutoHotkey, where Send and ControlSend automatically support It worked well with notepad, but for some reason the function to hover the mouse, left click, and right click are not working in the game I am playing - only the keystrokes are working. MouseClick WhichButton, X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, DownOrUp, Relative Parameters WhichButton. The catch is I want to do this while the window is minimized. WinText. Controlsend/click help. Good morning! [1] OK, you're right. Moderator: Flipeador. Since you didn’t Note: As capital letters are produced by sending the SHIFT key, A produces a different effect in some programs than a. I was able to use ControlSend to send commands that went directly into the UI (/send Friend Hi{ENTER}), but when I tried to The worker is some sort of stripped down chrome version, and it does not respond to ControlSend, so i just tried raw send, Click and Mouse click. here is a very simple version of the macro to explain the part i'm struggling with. I want automate things in a game called metin. E attacks. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys controlsend & controlclick help - posted in Gaming Questions: hi i tried this normal send and click into a control send for my minemized window but nothing happens even when the window is activenormal send/click &:: click 584,376 sleep 700 click 636,490 sleep 500 click 640,397 sleep 500 send 10000 sleep 500 click 949,398 send 120 sleep 500 click 706,578,2 @fenomen63, if you are not really interested in learning about AutoHotkey, I am not sure how you can expect to get effective help here. ) #2 - Posted 25 August 2013 - 04:10 AM. Sorry for my English. If you are trying to click in the white space of the Notepad window, it is finding the white in its icon in the title bar before it finds the white space in the editing part. Loop 100 {ControlSend, ,{Click, 0, 0}, ahk_class LaunchUnrealUWindowsClient Sleep 2400} Loop %RepeatCount% {} Esc:: ; in case of emergency hit escape key exitapp why Send works but ControlSend dont - posted in Ask for Help: Hi. return } SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick, x1270 y585, Click Counter - Best Online Mouse Clicker Counter 1/10/30/60 seconds - Geschäftlich – Microsoft Edge sleep, 500 } Return First, make sure you have the capitalization correct. The important commands you need to accomplish this Unlike the Send command, mouse clicks cannot be sent by ControlSend. They are from three separate folders so that AHK does not get confused. nabil_mumtaz Posts: 8 Joined: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:33 am. SendInput and SendPlay [v1. I watched the tutorials and don't really understand what is going on in ControlSend to a coordinate without move the mouse - posted in Ask for Help: Hi. the sw is hooking in at a lower level then AHK. I investigated it some earlier and it doesn't seem like you can specify the position to click on a control or a mouse movement across a control, just the position OF the control to be clicked if you don't know the control name. Using SendInput or SendPlay (with the window active) the script works fine, but I want use the script with this window not active. I wanted an AHK solution to just send the clicks and keystrokes to do that without moving the mouse. ; Based on AutoHotkey Controlsend not working? any help? Topic is solved. To repeat a keystroke: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed by the number of times to repeat it. 1 x64, now script that i was using doesn't work anymore. Is there some way to have AHK send the mouse movement and click to the other windows at the same ControlSend,, ipconfig{Enter}, cmd. previous page next page. The ControlSend and ControlClick commands can send key presses or mouse clicks to an inactive window. For example: Send {DEL 4} ; Presses the Delete key 4 times. AutoHotkey sets wParam to MK_LBUTTON, MK Hey, I've been been trying to get controlsend commands from the keyboard to work while client is inactive for some time. In addition, they buffer any physical ControlSend Help - posted in Ask for Help: Hi guys, I just started working with AutoHotkey. ahk_parent, Untitled - Notepad, , Right, 1, x100 y100 ControlSend, Edit 1, Hello!, Untitled - Notepad ControlSend Controlsend. ControlSend[Raw] Sends simulated keystrokes to a window or control. gregster Posts: 9251 Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:48 am. Note the lack of a F6:: Loop { If !WinExist("Click Counter - Best Online Mouse Clicker Counter 1/10/30/60 seconds - Geschäftlich – Microsoft Edge") { Msgbox, Program is not running. Send a Mouse Click to an Inactive Window? - posted in Ask for Help: Well, I started this project in VB6, but I was still hoping you guys could help me. The ControlClick command sends a mouse button or mouse wheel event to a control. If anyone could help me with this , i would be really push alt and click mouse - posted in Ask for Help: Hi all i have a problem witch script for game Silkroad. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) Hello Family. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:33 am; All times are UTC; controlclick,controlsend,postmessage etc. ControlSend "This is a line of text in the notepad window. ControlClick ControlSend pressing delay - posted in Gaming Questions: Im trying to implement ControlClick and ControlSend commands to my script but the game Im running is kind of unresponsive for mouse and keyboard events unless I add substantial amount of delay. yeah you need to use controlsend. Can someone please ControlSend issue - posted in Gaming Questions: Hello, this is my first post in this forum , and i am truly a beginner in this I have researched AHK for a few hours but i seem to get stuck All i need to do is to run few mouse clicks and few keyboard clicks in a loop in minimized game, but it doesnt seem to react at all . The script is working good, it's clicking on the program, which is in background behind all windows, but wherever my mouse is, it moves to that position when the ControlClick is performed :/ there is any way to prevent this? I have been using controlsend and controlclick to make a macro that works on a minimized window, is there a way to send a MouseClickDrag to a minimized window? The example "synchronises" left click-drag between multiple "Untitled - Paint" windows. Send Keys SendRaw Keys SendInput Keys etc. MsgBox, Press OK to activate the window to see the result. ControlSend, Edit1, This is a line of text in the notepad window. I have found another program that can do this but I prefer AHK. Post by nabil_mumtaz » Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:35 am Code: Select all How can i get the mouse coordinates for a specific window? and btw why doesnt ControlSend arrow keys work? #1 - Posted 23 November 2014 - 02:44 PM Back to top Everything works fine except for the part with ControlClick, it does in fact click in the correct application (named X), but it clicks on my current mouse position instead of the coordinates i've listed, i've tried googling it, checking the params but nothing helps, no idea how to fix it Page 1 of 2 - Click on item of context menu (right mouse click) - posted in Ask for Help: Hallo,i want to select and click a menuitem of a context menu, wich pops up if you click the right mouse button. Grendahl Posts: 170 Joined: Mon I want to send keystrokes and mouse clicks to a background application, without interfering with my physical keyboard/mouse. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) Gaming Help (v1) It is currently Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:11 am; All times are UTC; Ragnarok Online Controlsend/click. If you don't need that, don't use it. {Enter}", "Edit1" ControlSendText "Notice that {Enter} is not sent as an Enter keystroke with ControlSendText. I have 3 windows open of WOW. ", "Edit1" Msgbox "Press OK to Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. tch Posts: 8 Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:17 pm. Examples. Once you have that you may be able ControlSend keys to those windows or ControlClick mouse clicks to them. it's not mouse clicking at all. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Sat Dec 21, 2024 9:47 am; All times are UTC; key clicks and mouse clicks, in background. Note if I click on the program window, nothing shows in the “control under mouse position” box, so I’m not sure if there is a control for this program or not. I tried a lot of different options: SendPlay/ControlSend not working - posted in Ask for Help: Just what the topic says. Sends simulated keystrokes and mouse clicks to the active window. I want to send keystrokes and mouse clicks to a background application, without interfering with my physical keyboard/mouse. Then a developer friend of mine told me that AHK has something called ControlSend that may or may not work (50% chance) and that it could send all ControlClick to 1 Window (where I have same name windows) - posted in Gaming Questions: Sorry if subject is confusing. app. Mouse clicks OK - posted in Ask for Help: I cannot send keys to especific game. I want to be able to do other things with my mouse while the script runs, meaning it can't move my actual cursors position but only in the game. Similar to ControlClick and ControlSend but instead it is simulating mouse movement instead of keystrokes or mouse clicks. @fenomen63, if you are not really interested in learning about AutoHotkey, I am not sure how you can expect to get effective help here. I was wondering how would I go about using ControlSend or ControlClick to a specific Window where I have multiple of the same name window open. Pass this to the Control parameter to simulate mouse capture. ] ControlSend and ControlClick ? Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Not sure what you are trying to double-click using the right mouse button. I'd like the mouse cursor to move back to the same position it was when the Shift+c send happened. If blank or omitted, it defaults to Left (the left mouse button). thbzxw rso prph oehgwjnrp ezstl ivuwlzyw bvyrl xdvo gqema tjgkr fryvh weidbh xuqyf idbwrin sxft